Friday, January 13, 2012

Doing Some Math

Awful excuse for a human being Liz Cheney has opened her pudgy yap again:
I think, in fact, what President Obama is doing is something that America's enemies--the Taliban, al Qaeda--have been unable to do, which is to decimate the fighting capability of this nation," Cheney said. "And when you look at his rhetoric, he talks about the need now that hostilities are over to cut our spending, as though we're no longer at war. He's acting as though this is a time for a peace dividend when we're not, you know, truly at peace.
So as, of 2010 (We aren't doing any more research.) there were 1,430,895 active-duty in the U.S. military, round it down to a million four-thirty & divide by the 5,500 dead the Pentagon admits to, that's 1/260th of the armed forces, not actual decimation, but a good start made by that witch's father Dick & George W. Bush. Now who's decimatin' whom?

Watch if you dare.Enjoy the hag-spackle too. Little old for eye-liner aren't we, Liz?


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

...when we're not, you know, truly at peace.

And we never will be, if it's up to chickenhawks like Lizard and her dad.

Substance McGravitas said...

Decimation is pretty weak.

M. Bouffant said...

Endless Editor:

Not as long as one terrorist breathes will we be at "peace."

And quarter or third mation would be much better.