Sunday, January 22, 2012

Old Peoples' Ears

Thought the announcer said we were going to hear the "National Lampoon" sung. Then the wretched Steven Tyler was hauled out to squeak & rasp it. A rendition like that should be considered an act of treason.


j said...

I guess you heard the announcer correctly.

M. Bouffant said...

"What?" Editor:

Apparently so.

BadTux said...

Yet another thing to blame France for. If not for France, we'd have a national anthem that is actually singable by mere mortals.

- Badtux the Snarky penguin

M. Bouffant said...

Boozin' & Singin' Ed.:

The SSB allegedly being to the tune of some Limey drinking song, we don't get why it's so damn difficult.

BadTux said...

An old Limey drinking song you say? Perhaps you must be drunk to sing it correctly? Or perhaps you must be drunk to believe you heard it correctly? Hmm, one of these days I must experiment...

- Badtux the Too-sober Penguin

M. Bouffant said...

A Little Knowledge Editor:

Now the effin' Wiki advises that the story we read yrs. ago is wrong:

The connection with Anacreon, along with the "drinking" nature of the lyrics, have caused many people to label "The Anacreontic Song" a drinking song, though due to the difficulty of singing the song this claim is highly dubious, although the chorus certainly suggests Bacchanalia with its lyrics "And long may the sons of Anacreon intwine the myrtle of Venus with Bacchus' vine."