Thursday, October 20, 2011

Erick Erickson's Fourth Job

It's selling "patriotic" crap to the rubes. Odd that two of four of these "patriotic" items are merely Republican swag.
To be specific, Ronald Reagan swag, an indication that the Republican party hasn't done anything "patriotic" for over 20 yrs. Not that selling arms to the Contras & Iran was a shining exemplar of patriotism.
Now that Hallowe'en is around the corner & down the street, Human Events Marketplace may be gearing up for the X-mess rush.

Or Erick may need the money to keep paying those confiscatory property taxes on the house he can't sell. (Joke: If you think Erick-Woods has any clout w/in the Human Events power structure, you are fooling yourself.) Smart guy, buying a house before unloading the previous dump. Typical of right-wing economic theory, of course. "You know, Paul, Reagan proved deficits don't matter." — Rchard B. Cheney.

So run up the credit cards on some crap, suckers. Maybe the "Great Moments" medallions can be turned into silver bullets for killing liberals seeking hand-outs once the economy has been completely & patriotically destroyed.


Dr.KennethNoisewater said...



ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

To be specific, Ronald Reagan swag, an indication that the Republican party hasn't done anything "patriotic" for over 20 yrs. Not that selling arms to the Contras & Iran was a shining exemplar of patriotism.

And Nixon was???

I see your 20. and raise to 40!

(Hell. I'll raise to 50, and only stop there because Ike's M.I.C. speech was pretty good.)

M. Bouffant said...

Needs a Break Editor:

Do we need to post a not entirely historically accurate disclaimer?

Reagan tchotchkes are almost definitionally zombtastic, if only because he was a mental zombie.