Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Voices Of The Loon-O-Sphere

Here Be Monsters indeed. ("Zombies" as well.) Hear the horrifying (What? She likes horror movies.) Vacuum Slayer at (24:20). Hear Another Kiwi at (40:35) report from the bottom (more or less) third (of the planet; no reflection on his economic status, if any). Also us (again) because we have little to no "life" & are here only to fill space, whether typing or literally babbling on the Internet, or just sucking up oxygen.
Listen to internet radio with Here Be Monsters on Blog Talk Radio
You can also see us being insulted in the chat room, of which we were not aware as it happened; we are dedicated to our performance & will not divide our attention.

We call on all of the un- & self-employed to call next wk. & for once make Dusty fill the entire two hrs. Use the Gmail 'phone thingie if you're cheap & want to sound like it. (We are & do!)


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

It was good to hear AK's voice.

You should do this sort of thing more often, your voice is fantastic.

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

Yeah, I loved hearing AK's voice. He sounds every bit as lovely as you'd expect him to.

And I'm with B^4: you have a great voice. You're a character and you SOUND like one.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

"I just look at crap on the internet."

- M.B.


Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

I first read this as, "I just took a crap on the internet."

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I'm pretty sure he's got that covered too, vs.

M. Bouffant said...

Scat Editor:

And now we are smearing it over any Interparts we missed.

You're a character and you SOUND like one. High praise in the "takes one to know one dep't."

Flattery will get you everything, which isn't much from us: We're probably better off typing, where we can sometimes restrain/edit ourself.

On the other grasping extension, if we bought a decent microphone, there might just be extra trouble on the Net. (Hasn't bloggingheads just about run out of heads?)

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

Oh, you mean I could bug you with my voice too? Sign me up.

w/v says I am "pronap." Indeed.

M. Bouffant said...

Should Be Napping Now Hisse'f Editor Laughs Evilly:

Do not delude yourself by thinking that we would take calls if we did do such a fool thing. Interactivity is bullshit. You will sit, listen, & like it!