Friday, October 21, 2011

M.B. On The "Radio"

Still underwater, from (29:05). Apparently we'll have to pay up & get the landline going again if we want the full beauty of our sonorous tones to resound over the Internet. And, Dusty reads a web-log item of interest immediately after us, at (40:50).
Listen to internet radio with Here Be Monsters on Blog Talk Radio


Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

I'm so excited! Me! Me me me!

Oh, and you, too.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

If you call in from the land line, doesn't that mean you get billed for l.d.?

(Unless you are local to Dusty.)

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

I HEARD THE FAMOUS MR. B. TODAY!!!! You sounded great, MB. And now I have a great voice to go with a great intertrons personality.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Yeah, I have to chime in- you have the best voice- you should really do voice acting work, old chum.

Put together an audition tape!

M. Bouffant said...

Babble-On Editor:

Dusty herself is north of us (Not the Frozen North 'though, it's hot as you-know-what up there.) but the call-in # is in our area code, so it probably wouldn't be l.d.

Points for your perception, Mr. 4B (If we're gong to be all formal.)

We've tried the voice-over bit, but seriously can't bring ourself to pimp for corporate or other entities (Had a shot at narrating a documentary on Buddhism once but weren't "convincing" enough for the producer.) & are not allowed to make much money before it would affect our Social Security (& housing subsidy). Enslaved by the welfare state!

These days it runs about $1,000.00 to do a demo: Gotta get a coach who knows what's currently hot & wanted, will help you get the current demands on the demo, & has a studio & contacts w/in the agent community. (At least now the demo can be e-mailed; in the older days you'd have to dupe a zillion CDs to mail to agents on top of the coach's fees.)

In the last 10 or so yrs., actors whom you've seen on camera have moved their slimy asses into v.o. work, so the competition is worse. We mean you, John Goodman & Christine Lahti, you aging fucks who can't get as much on-camera work now, among others!

And we'd be best doing the big phony announcer voice, which isn't that popular these days except ironically. So, not enough demand.

I'm so excited! Me! Me me me!

Oh, and you, too.

Really, you don't have to pretend you care, esp. as it took you nearly six hrs. just to be polite & flatter us.

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

I do have a babby, ya know. Believe it or not he's a bigger attention whore than I.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I am not polite and won't bother flattering you.

But you laugh more in your speaking than I had imagined.

Myself, I get all the screaming out of the way before I dial the phone.

M. Bouffant said...

Mockery Editor:

But you laugh more in your speaking than I had imagined.

We don't take ourself very seriously (How could we?) & view all of human existence as a joke, so why the hell not?

"Life is a joke/And you are the punchline"

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Wow, two drinks in and I am seeing double.

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

OMG, you must be really drunk--'cuz MB's actually posting in triplicate!

M. Bouffant said...

Quantity is Quality Editor:

Your editor has either developed a leadfinger or the mouse is extra-sensitive, 'cause this has happened before. Sometimes when posting an item we get an "Already being edited" screen from Bugger™.