Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Two Wrongs Make A Mystery Cult

William Donohue (The Voice of Tolerance & Respect) appears to be angry because Rick Perry's Bab-tiss friend Robert Jeffress is cutting in on the hate market.
“Now I find out that Satan infected Catholicism,” Donohue added, a reference to the pivotal role Perkins asked Jeffress to play at the summit and Jeffress’ prior Catholic attacks. Jeffress called Catholicism “a Babylonian mystery religion spread like a cult” and suggested that it was “the genius of Satan” to make this “counterfeit” religion look like real Christian faiths.
But isn't the whole Protestant thing a poor man's version of Catholicism? "Poor man's" in the sense that poor people couldn't afford indulgences & so fought endless wars w/ Catholic Armies (How many divisions does that Pope have again?) so they could arrive in the 21st century bitching about taxes. Shouldn't Jeffress & his real Xians have returned to the Eastern rites, rather than start another version of Babylonian mystery religion?
Either way, we can't wait for these two skunks to get in the same room & start spraying.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

"Blessed are the cheesemakers..."

M. Bouffant said...

Cheddar Editor:

"... for they shall cut the cheese."