Friday, October 21, 2011

Sound Advice

Quote of the Day
"You're headed for a one-term presidency."
-- Steve Jobs, quoted in Walter Isaacson's new biography, Steve Jobs, speaking to President Obama in late 2010 insisting that the administration needed to be more business-friendly.
This from a schmuck who refused potentially life-saving surgery for pancreatic cancer. And whose idea of "business-friendly" would include allowing businesses to enslave their employees. We're glad he's dead & we hope he suffered. A lot.

When do we start killing the rest of the aristocrats?


Dr.KennethNoisewater said...


Substance McGravitas said...

That Obama was socialistically taxing everyone into the ground!

M. Bouffant said...

Karmic Justice Indeed Editor:

Socialistical taxes, sure, that's how Apple had/has more cash on hand than many nation-states.

Glennis said...

Yeah, you know, I never thought I would favorably compare Bill Gates with anybody, but at least the Gates Foundation is actually trying to help people. Steve Jobs? Pretty much zero record of charitable giving.