Sunday, October 30, 2011

Scare Tactics II

By their advertisers shall ye know them, & their readers. There really oughta be a law.
Sorry, can't embed it (or even copy it, they claim ...) but you must watch this video before it is too late.
(Make sure your sound is turned on! Please wait up to 5 seconds for the video to load.)
When the shit hits the fan, fellow patriot & brother-in-arms, you will need to know which 37 items you should hoard. You don't want to be sent to a FEMA "relief camp," do you?


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Too nosy and pushy!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Close all my other tabs and if!

The end.

Substance McGravitas said...

I trust anyone called Damian.

Glennis said...

GAHHHH!!! I can't listen any more. How long is this fucking thing???? When will it stop????

There are so many things wrong with this, starting with the patriarchal appeal to men who are insecure about being able to protect their helpless wives and children.

The worst thing was not being able to FF through it or see how much time remained, and that he read his own presentation out loud. I love it he said "be sure your sound is turned on." Why? what you're reading is on the screen!

"This could be the most important video of your life....Trust me, you don't want to miss this...."

Jesus Christ! I spent all this time listening to him repeat himself over and over again for this?

"Food would be worth its weight in gold. Literally." Um, actually, wrong. Gold would be worthless in the scenario he's talking about.

Oh,he doesn't even give you the ist of canned beans and tuna fish?

Jeebus!! When will he shut up?

I had to close the fucking page, it was driving me mad.

Where did you find such an instrument of torture, MB?

M. Bouffant said...

April Fool In October Editor:

Well, that worked! Sorry you were the one abused 'though. It came straight from The American Spectator, on whose e-mail sucker list we placed ourself in a fit of masochism.

Ol' Superscript there may have had the right ideas. (And what Xian names their children "Spawn of the Demon?")

We didn't listen at all, nor even read to the end. "The food your wife buys..." Chee-ziz.