Saturday, July 9, 2011

Leaving On A High Note

Image: B2843-09A
Event: Dancing on the table
Location: White House Cabinet Room
Description: First Lady Betty Ford dances on the Cabinet Room table on the day before departing the White House upon the inauguration of President Jimmy Carter.
Photographer: David Hume Kennerly
Date: January 19, 1977
Credit: Courtesy Gerald R. Ford Library
Rights Information: Public Domain (No usage fees, no permission required).


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

The nickname of a bar on Avenue A and 2nd Street that I attended many times in my NYC years was "The Betty Ford Clinic".

(It's real name may or may not be '2A'.)

Unknown said...

She was a trip ole Bette. She went into the bowels of hell on numerous times and came out a better person.

I respected her and still do. She stood up for leftwing values when her husband was parking his ass in the Oval Office. Pro-Choice and Pro-ERA amendment.

Take a set of brass ones to do that when the guy sleeping next to ya has an R behind his name and represents the repressionist assholes in the GOP.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Great picture, great post title.

I'mma haveta read up on Betty.

M. Bouffant said...

Ass Parked In Editor's Chair Editor Asks:

Is that what they call Alphabet City? Generic City would do as well.

This may be good about Ms. Ford. The picture took a bit of research & unzipping once we read & remembered the event, but the title was spontaneous & we probably shouldn't take any credit.

Not the typical political wifey, for sure. G. R. Fudd not being elected (Or even running.) may have given her some leeway, or something.