Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sonora Cafe Art Up-Date

Oh, turns out April is MOPLA. Better get on it then. But we've misplaced the piece of paper (Go ahead, laugh: We can still spread graphite & ink w/ the best of 'em!) where we'd recorded the previous items in this series, & we don't want to find it now. Wait, second time's the charm, here it is. OK:

We find ourself around the former Sonora Cafe every few wks. (Previously on this stupid web log.) And the display changes often.
For variety, the front view.
25 February 2011 ABC sends a camera.
But not for long.
By 16 March 2011 censorship was fully established.
Possibly as a result of whatever Channel 7 showed.


Cirze said...

Someone should have painted something poignant on their truck one night, don't ya think?


Welcome to the New Order USA!


M. Bouffant said...

Photo Ed. Guesses:

There probably are "anti-eyesore" laws that many a court has upheld, so yes.