Monday, April 4, 2011

Down W/ Democracy!

It's now blatantly obvious that democracy is a sad fucking joke:
In a CNN poll of American adults released Friday, the median guess on what percentage of the federal budget goes to public broadcasting was 5%. With a $3.55 trillion budget last year, that would put funding for the CPB at approximately $178 billion.
Can we just drown these cretins in the rising sea levels they won't acknowledge, even as they believe the CPB is getting US$178 billion a yr.?


Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

Garrison Keillor rolls around naked on a pile of money every night.

YOU'RE WELCOME for that visual.

M. Bouffant said...

Radio Editor Broadcasts:

Good thing we've no idea what Mr. K. looks like; you imply he may not be attractive.

And all decent people know how filthy money is. (Won't let the stuff near us, personally.)

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

There are very few people whom I consider unattractive.

Mr. K. is not "unattractive" to me...just perhaps not the first person I'd like to see roll around naked...on anything.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Snag drove me by Garry's house.


M. Bouffant said...

From An Editor:

You kooky kids didn't ask to look at his money pile?

We're glad to see that even though some of us think very highly of ourselves, they still have no standards. Neither do we. (Well, one or two, & they're very personal.)

TruculentandUnreliable said...

You'd think Ira Glass could afford Lasik...