Thursday, March 31, 2011
Free Speech Threatened Again:
Free Katherine R. Windels!!
M. Bouffant
We know who the actual thugs are: The GOP law-breakers who threatened this woman's livelihood, & who, unlike Windels, have the power to make good on their threats, at least until the recalls go through.
Note to fascist asshole D.A. of Dane County, Wisc.: Think of your family lying dead in a ditch, for example. It could happen. Or just think of your bloated salary being cut to the level you're worth, punk! (P.S.: We know where you work!)
Note to fascist asshole D.A. of Dane County, Wisc.: Think of your family lying dead in a ditch, for example. It could happen. Or just think of your bloated salary being cut to the level you're worth, punk! (P.S.: We know where you work!)
Speaking Ill Of The Dead
M. Bouffant
From Mark Evanier, even more stuff we didn't know:
Hank tells a few of the cleaner stories about Joe E. Ross. There are apparently not many anecdotes about Mr. Ross that do not involve (a) hookers, (b) not knowing his lines and/or (c) doing something that those around him found grossly offensive. There are many tales that combine all three.We are now officially titillated.
"Throw" This, Stupid!
M. Bouffant
Fuck. Ing. Shit, where do they find these brain-dead teen-agers?
According to the Weather Service, a record high temperature for March 31 was set today in downtown Los Angeles with the thermometer spiking a red-hot 92 degrees. The former title holder, a year called 1966, formerly maxed out 90 degrees.Being drunk from 12 oz. of brew on an empty stomach, we e-mailed the lame-ass typist & gave her what for.
Elsewhere in the region, a high temp record was broken at Santa Maria Airport when the meter read 88. The old record of 86 degrees has been on the thrown since in 1931.
Do you have a GED, or an LED? How about about a literate editor? Do you ever read what the hell you've just typed?
Shame on you, cretin.
At The (SE) Corner Of Beverly & Fairfax
M. Bouffant
From a whiny reactionary; no credit for losers!
More Bricks In The Bouffant Load
M. Bouffant
As of April 1st, Yahoo! no longer offers TV show listings as a feature of our TV site. If you are still interested in utilizing TV listings, please visit Zap2it
Time to start a pool on when Yahoo! entirely disappears from the web?
On a personal note, this means we have to reconfigure our home page, recover our Zap2it password, & check on other telebision listing services which may well be better than Zap2it, a Chicago Tribune operation. (As a Trib unit, it is in bankruptcy & likely to disappear momentarily, as well.)
In addition, it's a sunny 85°F out there! Will our suffering never end?
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Breitbart's Raison d'Être
M. Bouffant
Really. Were it so glaringly obvious wouldn't it be easier to point out the double standardness of it all, & let the market/audience/focus group decide, one way or the other? (After which, the journalists will be strung up or have their pay & union benefits doubled, depending.)Breitbart threw his Web muscle behind James O'Keefe, the young activist who posed as a pimp during an undercover sting against ACORN, and scored again this month with hidden-camera video of a National Public Radio executive trashing the Tea Party.
Breitbart defends the deception involved, saying he and O'Keefe "stick our fingers in the eye of the mainstream media," which he says perpetrates "the most ludicrous double standard known to humankind."
Apparently not. He'd rather do it the hard way. Not the honest way, just the hard way. Double standards, bad. Lying, deception, bogus editing & the dildo boat, all good. Finger in the eye? Relax, loony libs. Merely a metaphor.
Wait, did we type "finger?" We did. As in Andy's magic finger.
Imagine the horror as the smug marchers smugly smugged at him, not smug at all on the second story of "Shutters [...] a pricey joint."A thousand marchers into the protest, the sour looks aimed at the hotel's clientele began to wear on us. The marchers' defiant smugness started to make an enemy of me.
"Oh, no," I thought. The antiwar movement that I saw growing only days after Sept. 11, 2001, was at it again. I thought: Even with a new president - and one who mostly shares their point of view - the I-love-a-protest-parade political left couldn't help itself. It likes ruining nice sunny days. Protesting is what these people do. Sneering at their fellow citizens is their chief skill. Projecting arrogance is their birthright.
So with the antiwar sign, the T-shirt and the thousand-strong parade right under our noses, I began to seethe. These anti-warriors were trying to destroy the peaceful seaside vibe and our pleasant Jose Cuervo buzz.
And if not for the phalanx of photogs, his little confessional would never have crossed his mind, let alone the pages of The Washington Times.But when one dude raised his fist like runners Tommie Smith and John Carlos did at the 1968 Mexico City Olympics, I could not hold myself back. I jumped from my seat and bolted to the center of the balcony, where the American flag waved furiously in a now-harsh wind. Positioned next to Old Glory, I countered the young punk and reached out my right arm directing my middle finger in his direction.
As soon as my finger was raised, a phalanx of photographers began snapping away at the white middle-aged man wearing a white LaCoste shirt next to the old red, white and blue. Cognizant of the power of imagery, I owned the moment and refused to back down. The fist wielder immediately dropped his arm. I clearly had won and envisioned photos of the anti-antiwar protester making the front pages of the Los Angeles Times.
It's almost as if Andrew hasn't quite grown up yet, isn't it? As if he were a frat-boy in ++extended adolescence, doing a doughnut on the neighbor's lawn & knocking over their mailbox because they called the police that one night his parents were out of town & he cranked his dad's stereo to 11. He'll show 'em!
Maintaining The Maritime Picture
M. Bouffant
Straight outta Stuttgart:
US Navy P-3C, USAF A-10 and USS Barry Engage Libyan Vessels
Joint Task Force Odyssey Dawn Public Affairs
USS MOUNT WHITNEY, In Port,Mar 29, 2011 — A U.S. Navy P-3C Maritime Patrol aircraft, a U.S. Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt attack aircraft and guided-missile destroyer USS Barry (DDG-52) engaged Libyan Coast Guard vessel Vittoria and two smaller crafts [sic] after confirmed reports that Vittoria and accompanying craft were firing indiscriminately at merchant vessels in the port of Misratah, Libya, during the evening March 28, 2011.
The P-3C fired at Vittoria with AGM-65F Maverick missiles after multiple explosions were observed in the vicinity of the port rendering the 12-meter patrol vessel ineffective and forcing it to be beached.
Two small crafts [sic] were fired upon by an A-10 using its 30mm GAU-8/Avenger Gatling cannon, destroying one and forcing the other to be abandoned.
Barry provided situational awareness for the aircraft by managing the airspace and maintaining the maritime picture.
The P-3C, A-10 and Barry are currently supporting operations for Joint Task Force Odyssey Dawn.
Joint Task Force Odyssey Dawn is the U.S. Africa Command task force established to provide operational and tactical command and control of U.S. military forces supporting the international response to the unrest in Libya and enforcement of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1973. UNSCR 1973 authorizes all necessary measures to protect civilians in Libya under threat of attack by Qadhafi regime forces.
![]() |
File photo of Orion firing Maverick from DefenseTech. |
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
A Warning To America
M. Bouffant
From, of all places, MarketWatch.
Tax the Super Rich now or face a revolution
Commentary: A ‘Super-Rich Delusion’ is leading us to ruin
One dissent: We don't see why only the "Super Rich" need a good taxing. Get the Plain Old Rich too.Cleanliness Is Murder
M. Bouffant
Window Washer Electrocuted At OC Hospital
A window washer was electrocuted early Tuesday morning while working at a Huntington Beach Hospital, according to authorities. Firefighters say the victim was using a long extension rod on a brush that made contact with nearby power lines.
The accident happened around 6:30 a.m. at Beach Boulevard and Newman Street on the north side of the building. The man died at the scene. His name has not been released.
The accident happened around 6:30 a.m. at Beach Boulevard and Newman Street on the north side of the building. The man died at the scene. His name has not been released.
Stolen from.
To Each Their Own
M. Bouffant
Most horrifying thing we've seen on the Internet today (And we've been looking at it since noon!):Gloatessa is absolutely worth following, but be careful in the culinary dep't.!
Senile Dementia Round-Up
M. Bouffant
Burt Prelutsky addresses a Rotary Club.
Next, a man stood up to tell me he had been offended by my comments about liberals. When I asked him what was so great about liberalism, he began by saying they were for social justice. Before, [sic] he could pick up a full head of steam, I said that justice is justice, whereas “social justice” is code for one set of rules for the rich, another for the poor; one set for whites, another set for minorities; one set for straight men, another for women and gays. In short, I pointed out, it’s the opposite of actual justice. Before he could even reach the door, the president announced the meeting was over.Oh, one tiny correction we're sure his editor just missed:
Before, [sic] he could pick up a full head of steam, I said that justice is justice, whereas “We all know what a tough time rich, white, straight men who are not women or gays have been having lately. Why, the tax rate alone is a crushing justiceconservatism” is code for one set of rules for the rich, another for the poor; one set for whites, another set for minorities; one set for straight men, another for women and gays. In short, I pointed out, it’s the opposite of actual justice.
Fine, I was wrong to assume I was addressing the choir. But, there were still two things that particularly annoyed me. One was that the conservatives in the audience were so cowed by the boorishness of their colleagues that they slunk out of the room, afraid to even offer me a polite smattering of applause. Which, I am willing to wager, was a first in Rotary history.News for Burt: It's 2011, & the Rotary Club may no longer be a choir of old white guys sitting around bitching about "them" & "you-know-who." It might even be possible that the "conservatives" in the room (a faculty lounge at UCLA) had no interest in defending or applauding a statement that gets the entire concept of rights 180° wrong.
More Free Advertising
M. Bouffant
Tucker's TheDC offers electron-space to yet another hack pimping her very personal brand of reaction.
And for the ladies, a reformed frat boy holding the door for you once in a while will be more than adequate compensation for spending most of your life dropping babies when you aren't keeping house for grocery money. Right?
While it's obvious Ms. Agness & her ilk would prefer sponging from men in exchange for DNA transmission services, & would like this way of life to be revalidated in "the culture," isn't there some rugged, exceptional & all-American individiualism (Liberty for the men-folks!) being lost here?
This sort of thing does not, of course, spring fully-grown from the minds of such as Agness. There are agitators among us, making our young women hate themselves for their freedom.
— M. Bouffant, Crusader for Men's Rights (Don't bother.)
Karin Agness is the founder of the Network of Enlightened Women (NeW) and a senior fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.To wit:
The Network of enlightened Women (NeW), a national organization for conservative college women, is countering this cultural phenomenon of guys staying boys longer and this cultural emphasis on independence by encouraging men to put others first through the NeW Gentlemen’s Showcase. The Gentlemen’s Showcase is an online contest run on Facebook to find the top college gentleman, the NeW Gentleman of the Year. It is a NeW kind of March Madness, where men aren’t just competing on the basketball court. This event recognizes and honors college gentlemen, and encourages college men to exhibit the characteristics of gentlemen — such as exhibiting good manners, showing respect to others, putting others first and taking responsibility for personal actions.It is a crying shame that this wonderful program was not applied (perhaps firmly, w/ an adhesive substance & a stick) to our favorite frat boy, George W. Bush. What a wonderful world that would have been, w/ the good manners, the respect & "taking responsibility for personal actions." (We read that a lot, & wonder Why not just "responsibility," period? but can only figure it's code for "Anything you do behind corporate or governmental walls is OK, because.")
The NeW Gentlemen’s Showcase is a positive way to motivate boys to grow into gentlemen and to foster mutual respect between the sexes. Brad and countless other guys would have benefited from such encouragement. Our society needs to find other creative ways to change cultural expectations and create a healthier climate for relationships and family. NeW’s initiative is one step in helping college guys move away from boyhood toward manhood, so that we will ultimately have more men and fewer Brads.
And for the ladies, a reformed frat boy holding the door for you once in a while will be more than adequate compensation for spending most of your life dropping babies when you aren't keeping house for grocery money. Right?
While it's obvious Ms. Agness & her ilk would prefer sponging from men in exchange for DNA transmission services, & would like this way of life to be revalidated in "the culture," isn't there some rugged, exceptional & all-American individiualism (Liberty for the men-folks!) being lost here?
One of the most damaging legacies of the second wave feminist movement is that it taught a generation that independence, a life comprised solely of the individual, is one of the greatest goods. Brad has achieved independence, but has realized that he doesn’t just want independence, he wants a wife. The challenge now is finding a partner compatible with the self-centered lifestyle to which he has grown accustomed.How the hell is John Galt going to go out & beat the Chinese at their own game when he is tied down to whiny brats & their mother?
This sort of thing does not, of course, spring fully-grown from the minds of such as Agness. There are agitators among us, making our young women hate themselves for their freedom.
Author Kay Hymowitz recently addressed the problem in Manning Up: How the Rise of Women has Turned Men into Boys.To which the subtitle probably should be: "But We Can Stop It By Turning Women Back Into Extra-Girly Girls."
— M. Bouffant, Crusader for Men's Rights (Don't bother.)
American Family Values: Save The Children, Kill The Mother
M. Bouffant
(CBS/WBNS) LOGAN, Ohio - Family and friends of Summer Inman, the Ohio mother of three who was allegedly kidnapped by her estranged husband and his parents more than a week ago, came together on Monday night for a vigil to pray for her safety.We thought the family values fascists were in favor of a two-parent, opposite-sex family. Guess not.
Pictures: Missing Ohio woman Summer Inman
Inman has been missing since last Tuesday.
Inman's estranged husband, William A. Inman, 26, and his parents, William A. Inman, 47, and Sandra Inman, 46 remain in the Southeast Ohio Regional Jail after their arrests last week, reports the station.We aren't huge fans of the death penalty, but pre-meditated murder for hire would be one crime for which we'd happily polish the guillotine.
In court documents pertaining to William and Summer Inman's divorce, Summer claimed her husband "threatened to kill" her if she ever "took the children from him." She also said her husband would take her car keys, wallet and cell phone to leave her "captive" in their own home, the station reports.
She also stated in the documents that her in-laws would "gang up on me to just work things out," reports the station.
A judge granted Inman a civil protection order in November.
Pot Calls Kettle Hot
M. Bouffant
Dumbest Website on Internet Media Matters Unveils First Big FOX Hit Piece… FAILS
Hard to believe, innit?Dog Biting Man, As We Type!
M. Bouffant
The verdict is in: The Thatcher-Reagan-Blair-Clinton model of capitalism is a failure.Time for a violent, bloody revolution, then? Yes!!
No True Scotsman Round-Up
M. Bouffant
Sullivan tries to explain it all for you, but, you know, like:
"Correct for conservative ideology itself?" Doesn't not being able to trust your ideology make it, we dunno, crummy ideology?
Oh, now we see. There is real conservatism, which seems to consist of resenting those seen as inferior (poor &/or non-Anglo) or superior (those who can read, for example) i.e., anyone & everyone, & there is the "true conservatism" of being cheap & selfish. "No taxes for me!"
Conservatism cannot be defined as whatever is the most extreme right-wing narrative of the moment. Time matters. Conservatism needs to be flexible enough a governing philosophy to be able to correct for conservative ideology itself. When such an ideology threatens fiscal balance, a prudent foreign policy, and a thriving middle class, it has become the enemy of real conservatism, not its friend.Yet it is defined by its extremism.
"Correct for conservative ideology itself?" Doesn't not being able to trust your ideology make it, we dunno, crummy ideology?
Oh, now we see. There is real conservatism, which seems to consist of resenting those seen as inferior (poor &/or non-Anglo) or superior (those who can read, for example) i.e., anyone & everyone, & there is the "true conservatism" of being cheap & selfish. "No taxes for me!"
Two-Fisted Times Browsing
M. Bouffant
Update #2 (Thanks for the tip, Lauren Indvik.4:09 p.m.1609EDT): Readers who have surpassed the 20-article limit can also remove “?gwh=numbers” from the URL, clear their browser caches and/or switch browsers to get rid of the pop-up message and continue reading. Thanks for the tip, @yurivictor.
And thanks for the extension, Wayne Eaker.
Testing The Times
M. Bouffant
So far, no indication of a paywall. Will this link work?
What the hell, let's steal something while we're there & no one's watching. (Our Code: We'll do anything we can get away w/, & we'll take anything that's not nailed down.)
NOT MUCH LATER: Links from web logs, Facebook, yada alleged to continue to work. Added dullness: The Just Another Blog (From L.A.)™ editorial offices get several emails from The Times daily, & half the time (an approximation, of course) we don't even bother to see what the objective & even-handed stories inside are. So we're curious if our email subscription will give us any privileges, or if we'll be clicking to a pay-up page. If not, & the hand of greed is extended, we can tell them to fuck off, & make a significant reduction to inbox traffic. Winning again.
What the hell, let's steal something while we're there & no one's watching. (Our Code: We'll do anything we can get away w/, & we'll take anything that's not nailed down.)
Now, a glimpse into the future, once Michele Bachmann takes her country back & privatizes morality enforcement, Indonesian-style:In 2008, Parliament passed a law including jail sentences of up to 12 years for producing or distributing pornography, which is defined broadly as anything — a drawing, a movie or a body movement — deemed to violate “public decency.” An online pornography filter was imposed by the government last year. At the same time, Islamist vigilante groups like the Islamic Defenders Front, or F.P.I., have taken to the streets to enforce morality, sometimes violently, as the police have stood by.
The groups are bolstered by provisions in the antipornography law that empower private citizens to act. While ostensibly about morality, the campaign is seen by many liberals and minorities as a broader push to Islamize Indonesia.
The filmmakers at Maxima are unlikely cultural warriors. With a standard fare relying heavily on ghosts, gore and teen slapstick, their films are hardly high art, said Yoen K, one of the company’s producers.
Surely just an oversight he didn't threaten pecker-chopping as well.The last time Maxima failed to keep its intentions under wraps, things did not go well. In late 2010, when the producers were discovered to be planning to fly Ms. Ozawa in to promote a second film that had been shot in secret, “Carriage Ghost,” the F.P.I. struck, protesting at Maxima’s offices and sending members to Jakarta’s international airport with hopes of intercepting Ms. Ozawa and sending her back to Japan by force.
Mr. Hidayat’s attempt to defuse the situation with a meeting at Maxima’s offices was a failure.
On Dec. 1, trailed by television cameras and dressed in white turbans and crisp robes, the Jakarta leadership of the F.P.I. swept into the office, past a group of hired muscle brought in by the studio for security.
Facing Mr. Hidayat across a conference table, Salim Alattas, the F.P.I.’s Jakarta chief, denounced Ms. Ozawa as a poisonous influence on the nation’s morality. Mr. Hidayat had been warned twice to not bring her to Indonesia, Mr. Alattas said. There would be no third warning.
“We come with good intentions, but if you try to sneak Miyabi in, our intentions will no longer be good,” he said.
Another F.P.I. leader, Sahab Anggawi, lost his composure: “For destroying this country, you should be thrown out! Or have both your hands cut off! Then have both your feet cut off!”
NOT MUCH LATER: Links from web logs, Facebook, yada alleged to continue to work. Added dullness: The Just Another Blog (From L.A.)™ editorial offices get several emails from The Times daily, & half the time (an approximation, of course) we don't even bother to see what the objective & even-handed stories inside are. So we're curious if our email subscription will give us any privileges, or if we'll be clicking to a pay-up page. If not, & the hand of greed is extended, we can tell them to fuck off, & make a significant reduction to inbox traffic. Winning again.
Leftover Filler
M. Bouffant
Later today we plan to hike the trail visible in this shot.We have some water-front lots & a couple of bridges too, if you're interested in investment property.
Drifting From Town To Town
M. Bouffant
More bitching to be heard about new street signage, no doubt.
(And OMG, it's the Federal Gov't. messing things up, wouldn'cha know!) We usually know where we're going (Places we don't go include cookie-cutter suburbs & sub-divisions, so we usually can tell where in hell we are.) but there are times when one may not realize which specific shithole one is passing through.
Stolen from The Militant Angeleno. |
Second, they are the first Los Angeles street signage to acknowledge the City of Los Angeles outright. Very important in this region of nearly 90 suburbs, satellite cities and unincorporated areas, of which street signage is the one of two tell-tale ways to know exactly which city you are in (calling 9-1-1 and seeing which police department shows up is the other, but The Militant doesn't recommend you do that...).
Monday, March 28, 2011
Probably Not This Year
M. Bouffant
Poops out in a sap-filled last paragraph, as so many of these essentially bourgeois take-your-lickings-from-your-betters-shut-up-&-give-in typists & their pieces do, but it wouldn't be late March in these United Snakes w/o some pseudo-academic dippo cranking one out on the old ball game as metaphor for America & so on & so forth, every single fucking year since the dawn of time (the 1950s, in our case) & long before.
Yeah, maybe.When you’re in purgatory, as baseball and the country are, the arrival of a new season is not a cause for celebration but rather an unsettling reminder of how little has changed, and how stuck you are. The new season is not new enough. After all the fraud and failure, why does everything look so familiar? Wall Street remains all powerful, unchastened. The New York Yankees still have baseball’s largest payroll. The drug cheat Alex Rodriguez is still hitting home runs, making $30 million a year, and dating Cameron Diaz. The divorce of the McCourts, the couple who own the Dodgers, is hardly the change we can believe in.
Some of us are angry, and shocked, and hurt by all of this. But should we be? After all, the rich and the powerful and the famous and the talented have been awful disappointments to the rest of us only since the beginning of recorded time. Might the problem be with our expectations, our belief that contests should be fair and honest and that the winners should be the deserving?
Committed Catholic
M. Bouffant
Recent convert Newt shows his love for his new Church. (We bolded.)
Christ on a crutch, wouldn't any responsible typist point out the pandering weasels's recent conversion to Popery & wonder about that in the context of Hagee's tired Catholic-bashing?On Sunday, Gingrich was the keynote speaker at Cornerstone Church, a San Antonio megachurch headed up by Pastor John Hagee, who offered John McCain a crucial endorsement during the '08 campaign. But McCain later disavowed that support after several controversial comments Hagee had made about the origins of Hurricane Katrina and as well as other religions came to light.
Among other things, Hagee told National Public Radio in the aftermath of Katrina that New Orleans had suffered the "judgment of God" because of its "level of sin." He referred to the Catholic Church as "the great whore" and "a false cult system." The tipping point for McCain was Hagee's comment that Adolf Hitler had been fulfilling God's will by targeting Jews.
It's pathetically obvious that logical discourse, guilt & shame have no effect on this pudding-head. He obviously converted a bit late to enjoy the benefits of Catholic education; perhaps a few sharp raps on the knuckles followed by having his fat yap thoroughly washed out w/ lye-based soap will do the trick.Speaking at Cornerstone Church on Sunday, the former House Speaker expressed worries about the nation losing its faith and becoming a "secular atheist country"--a talk that earned him a standing ovation, per the San Antonio Express News's Abe Levy.
"The heart of our faith is that this is a temporary moment on a much longer journey, and that we should spend this life preparing for a much larger life," Gingrich said. "If you live purely secularly, and you believe there is no much larger life, then all of this is very foolish."
Today's Biggest Load Of Shit In A Sack
M. Bouffant
Newton LeroyLow-Rent "Newt" Gingrich (pronounced /ˈnjuːt ˈɡɪŋɡrɪtʃ/; born Newton LeroyLow-Rent McPherson; June 17, 1943) is an American politician who served as the 58th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999.We promise the world that if we are ever presented w/ the opportunity to inflict some good old Catholic-style punishment on this bastard we will kick him in his 67-yr. old genitalia & then knee him in the face when he doubles over.
That's a challenge, porky Pope-fan. Are you man enough?
That's a challenge, porky Pope-fan. Are you man enough?
As Big As The Moon!
M. Bouffant
An image of Rush Limbaugh. From his own fucking site.
Which is bigger: His lard ass, his fat gut, or his bloated ego?
Which is bigger: His lard ass, his fat gut, or his bloated ego?
Monday Afternoon Breakfast
M. Bouffant
Existential Agony,
Local Action,
Neener Neener, You Fucking Losers
M. Bouffant
Top GOP Contenders Become More Unpopular
Public Policy Polling finds that over the last two years the "leading quartet" of Republicans running for president have all become more unpopular. Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrich have all seen their favorability spread fall by margins ranging from 15 to 23 points.
Said pollster Tom Jensen: "The fact that the more Americans are exposed to them, the less they like them certainly does not bode well for their competitiveness next year."
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Photo Flogging
M. Bouffant
Psychological Afflictions
M. Bouffant
We don't pay too much attention to Glenn Greenwald (the time we waste wasting time is precious to us) but once in a while, when he isn't using his law degree, he comes up w/ some good stuff.
PLUS WHICH (1801PDT 27 March 2011): John Cole (the guy what runs Balloon Juice) has a nit to pick w/ Greenwald, & we're inclined to agree.
This is exactly the psychological affliction that leads Wall Street plunderers and tycoons and billionaires to see themselves as the victims of the resentful lower-classes and the "radical egalitarians" who run the U.S. Government. Even as they get richer and everyone else gets poorer, even as the very few remaining restraints on their political power are abolished, even as the disparities in wealth and power grow ever-larger, they become increasingly convinced that everything is stacked against them, that there is a grand conspiracy to deprive them of what is rightfully theirs. All of this could be confined to a fascinating, abstract psychological study if not for the fact that the people who think this way exercise the most political power and continue to exercise more and more.Uh-huh. As the failures of reactionary & conservative policies continue, essentially unacknowleged, we begin to realize there's more here than meets the eyes & ears, & it's not policies or politics.
When you see a party shifting between two mutually exclusive arguments for a policy, each of which fails spectacularly and repeatedly, you have to look for other reasons behind the policy other than the stated rationale.Moral & mental illness. Personal problems, in other words. Why people in a supposedly civilized society allow these psychos to work out their "issues" on us is beyond this reporter. Stalin was right. Put them in the mental institutions, where they belong.
PLUS WHICH (1801PDT 27 March 2011): John Cole (the guy what runs Balloon Juice) has a nit to pick w/ Greenwald, & we're inclined to agree.
April Fools
M. Bouffant
From the pages of The DC, a shriek is heard:
Islam is the only religion with a propaganda arm, and its most powerful outlet for dissemination of disinformation, Islamic* Jew-hatred, scrubbing of ethnic cleansing, gender apartheid, jihadi wars, land appropriations and cultural annihilations is Al Jazeera. Reasoned and rational free men have long known the pernicious influence of this jihadist news organization. But the recent legitimization and outrageous “lauding” of their coverage by mainstream news outlets is not only dangerous, it’s civilizational suicide."Put together an explosive event?" Is that really the tone to take here?
This cannot stand. Look at your calendars and join me April 1 in Washington, D.C. at the National Press Club: Cliff Kincaid, the president of America’s Survival, Inc., has put together an explosive event that you cannot afford to miss: “Al Jazeera, Global Jihad, and the Suicide of the West.” I’ll be speaking, along with Kincaid, news analyst Charles K. Ortel, independent television producer Jerry Kenney, and investigative journalist Lee Kaplan.
Do not accept the Goebbels network of the Fourth Reich. Join me in fighting this scourge.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Must This Englishman Live?
M. Bouffant
The OED has announced its selection of new words.
"la-la land n. can refer either to Los Angeles (in which case its etymology is influenced by the common initialism for that city), or to a state of being out of touch with reality—and sometimes to both simultaneously," wrote another one of OED's finest, Katherine Connor Martin.
At least the Oxford Dictionary has not yet added "southland," misappropriating Lynyrd Skynyrd's sweet home for ours, as so many local TV meteorologists do.
M. Bouffant
Minnesota's state bird is the loon. As is its Republican party.
Very. And now we have a better idea of what causes Michele Bachmanns. We should have known what was coming when Jesse Ventura sneaked into the governorship.The Minnesota Republican Party has undergone a “Bachmannization” in recent years, lurching to the right on social issues, with the prerequisite purging of centrists and elevation of ideological absolutists.
In recent weeks, the Republican-controlled state legislature has clashed with liberal Democratic Governor Mark Dayton. Among their headline grabbing and eyebrow-raising legislative efforts have included trying to ban all abortions in the state after 20 weeks and forbidding anyone on public assistance from withdrawing more than $20 cash per month.
The man Dayton narrowly defeated in an overwhelmingly Republican election year was conservative-populist-turned-lobbyist Tom Emmer, who backed a “Tenther” bill that would require a two-thirds state legislative vote to ratify any federal legislation and supported a state constitutional ban on gay marriage.
Emmer got into some trouble when it was found that he appeared with a local “heavy metal ministry”—after it became known that its pastor said it was “moral” to execute homosexuals. (More recently, the Minnesota Independent has been buzzing with news that Bachmann sat down with local right-wing radio show host Bryan Fischer days after he declared that Muslim-Americans “have no fundamental first amendment claims.)
The point is that these are not isolated incidents, but indicative of an intra-party atmosphere that is starkly inconsistent with the state’s justified reputation for “Minnesota Nice.”
For example, the 2010 GOP Secretary of State nominee, Dan Severson, recently said, “Quite often you hear people say, ‘What about separation of church and state?’ There is no such thing…I mean it just does not exist, and it does not exist in America for a purpose, because we are a Christian nation.”
Two-time GOP gubernatorial candidate and former state legislator Allen Quist made headlines during his 2010 run for congress when he stated, “Our country is being destroyed. Every generation has had to fight the fight for freedom… Terrorism? Yes. That’s not the big battle,” he said. “The big battle is in D.C. with the radicals. They aren’t liberals. They are radicals. Obama, Pelosi, [Democratic U.S. Congressman Tim] Walz: They’re not liberals, they’re radicals. They are destroying our country.” Liberals worse than terrorists? That’s the full Wingnut.
Likewise, conservative state senate-candidate Mike Parry was caught scrubbing his Twitter-feed in 2009, trying to erase these sort of patriotic statements: “read the exclusive on Mr O in Newsweek. He is a Power Hungry Arrogant Black Man.” Classy.
Friday, March 25, 2011
"Just Like In Russia"
M. Bouffant
The Bothers Koch, Megan McArdle & so on. All hail the oligarchs!Context.
M. Bouffant
Mickey Kaus still at it at TheDC, referring us to wks.-old Internet video of Ann Coulter appearing on Hannity, advocating divide-&-conquer class warfare
Like Ann Coulter, Higgins worries that Walker isn’t doing enough to get his message across. … What would that require?(The disparity between the owners & workers not even whispered.) & decrying unions, of course!
1) Pointing out the growing disparity between cushy union contracts and the working situation of average American taxpayers. Horror stories are useful here;
If ever there was a time to make that broader argument, it’s now–when private unions are held in lower regard than they’ve been in decades. For that, I think, we have the UAW to thank.Unions! That's what's wrong w/ gov't.! Great insight, Senator Kaus.
The argument would be: Even private 50s-style unionism isn’t so good. Unions screw up enterprises. They screw up private enterprises. They screw up public enterprises. But with private enterprises, if they screw things up too much the company usually goes broke and disappears. If unions screw up government, that doesn’t happen. The government doesn’t disappear. It just stays screwed up.
Zen Our Ass
M. Bouffant
Here's are some crapsome pictures, apparently, to help you "understand the transit experience." We think.
Sad, but not that sad. If these are university students expressing themselves this poorly, well, they're screwed, as are the cities of the future. We're already screwed, so it doesn't bother us one bit.
Sad, but not that sad. If these are university students expressing themselves this poorly, well, they're screwed, as are the cities of the future. We're already screwed, so it doesn't bother us one bit.
Outside World Econ Round-Up
M. Bouffant
Swing, Ducks
M. Bouffant
We suspect this is not official Dep't. of Parks & Recreation equipment.
It did hold our 110 kilos for a few minutes.
These two could be city property.
They were still there three hrs. later on the way back, but our fingers were too wet & numb to work the camera.
It did hold our 110 kilos for a few minutes.
These two could be city property.
They were still there three hrs. later on the way back, but our fingers were too wet & numb to work the camera.
Class Warfare:
Urbane Sophisticates v. Breeder Trash
M. Bouffant
Remember Sen. Scott Brown (RINO-Mass.) trying to pimp his daughters?
Well, Crazy Shelley Bachmann may be a bit to the Senator's right, but they all want to get their spawn married off to other Jesus freaks so they can get right to filling those quivers w/ little Xian arrows they'll home-school, so they won't get no ideas. Or spelling lessons. (Who are we kidding? She doesn't even know what the words mean.)
The apple of Shelley's eye is number one son Lucas:
And: "My, little Liza Jean isn't so little any more, is she? Really fills those jeans. Good breeding stock, if I say so myself."
No, really:
At least weep for the Bachmann children. And weep for their future victims. If we know anything about pop psychology, one of the young Bachmanns is sure to become a serial killer. We saw it on the telebision.
Well, Crazy Shelley Bachmann may be a bit to the Senator's right, but they all want to get their spawn married off to other Jesus freaks so they can get right to filling those quivers w/ little Xian arrows they'll home-school, so they won't get no ideas. Or spelling lessons. (Who are we kidding? She doesn't even know what the words mean.)
The apple of Shelley's eye is number one son Lucas:
... a pre-med school “chick magnet” at the University of Minnesota who has an affinity for Mexican dancing. “Areebah!” Bachmann proclaims at mention of this, suggesting that the Congresswoman's only knowledge of Mexican culture has been learned through Speedy Gonzalez cartoons. As soon as he gets into medical school his mom plans to “crank up the heat” in finding him a good wife to clean up after him. She even has a classified ad in mind: "Chick magnate (sic) needs wife to put him through med school, clean house, pay bills and run his life. Must be willing to gamble against onslaught of socialized medicine diminishing return on investment."Ha ha. She must be a lot of fun at family gatherings. "Here's your new niece, Aunt Shelly." "Oh, isn't she adorable! I hope Obamacare doesn't kill her before she grows up."
And: "My, little Liza Jean isn't so little any more, is she? Really fills those jeans. Good breeding stock, if I say so myself."
No, really:
Bachmann introduces her next daughter with an odd reference to plural marriage: "King Henry had his 6 wives, and if our Caroline had been one of them I think she would have been called Caroline the Vibrant." Mom offers little explanation for this designation, but goes on to reveal Caroline's waist size, saying that she "pulls jeans over her 14" hips," which sounds like a line from a mail-order wife catalog.And try as they might to fill their quivers & keep knowledge at arm's length, there are always one or two who get away. We have a guess as to which of Shelley's spawn will be the first w/ the tales of abuse: Sophia, the "sacrifice lamb."
Last comes Sophia, who is too young for a husband and therefore will have to spend the rest of her life caring for her crazy mother. "A hundred years ago families designated a sacrifice lamb that forsook marriage in favor of caring for aging parents," Bachmann explains. Those were the good ol' days, before penile enlargement emails.Jesus Fucking Christ. Read it, & weep for your country. (Or, if you are not cursed w/ a U.S. passport, laugh nervously while breathing a sigh of relief.)
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Two more pp. at the link, masochists. |
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We'd just as soon not know, but what is she covering up in Dr. Bachmann's lap? |
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