Tuesday, March 29, 2011

No True Scotsman Round-Up

Sullivan tries to explain it all for you, but, you know, like:
Conservatism cannot be defined as whatever is the most extreme right-wing narrative of the moment. Time matters. Conservatism needs to be flexible enough a governing philosophy to be able to correct for conservative ideology itself. When such an ideology threatens fiscal balance, a prudent foreign policy, and a thriving middle class, it has become the enemy of real conservatism, not its friend.
Yet it is defined by its extremism.

"Correct for conservative ideology itself?" Doesn't not being able to trust your ideology make it, we dunno, crummy ideology?

Oh, now we see. There is real conservatism, which seems to consist of resenting those seen as inferior (poor &/or non-Anglo) or superior (those who can read, for example) i.e., anyone & everyone, & there is the "true conservatism" of being cheap & selfish. "No taxes for me!"


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

"real conservatism is not really the whackaloon, insane, racist, warmongering, sociopathic, psychopathic greedhead ideology demonstrated over and over and over again through the past forty years, but is instead the magical pony land that has never existed outside of my own fevered token-brain imaginings.

"I can haz Atlantic post nao?"

M. Bouffant said...

Real Jobs (Not Steve) Editor Gladly Helps:

Sure you can. A vacancy's opened, now that Randy Andy's moving his ass & flunkies to Tina B.'s Daily Beast. Send your clips to Megan now.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

OK, I admittedly fucked that one up because I pay as little attention to Sullivan as I can. When I have a real job again, perhaps I will care about his.

Nice to see you jump on the mockery immediately, though. I'll keep setting 'em up, you keep bringing 'em home!

M. Bouffant said...

Useless Editor Advises:

Sully's a useful idjit.

And pls. don't blame yourself. Stay out of work & you can end up just like us, knowing entirely too much about ninnies & incessantly reading crap that drives you mad.