Monday, March 28, 2011

Committed Catholic

Recent convert Newt shows his love for his new Church. (We bolded.)
On Sunday, Gingrich was the keynote speaker at Cornerstone Church, a San Antonio megachurch headed up by Pastor John Hagee, who offered John McCain a crucial endorsement during the '08 campaign. But McCain later disavowed that support after several controversial comments Hagee had made about the origins of Hurricane Katrina and as well as other religions came to light.

Among other things, Hagee told National Public Radio in the aftermath of Katrina that New Orleans had suffered the "judgment of God" because of its "level of sin." He referred to the Catholic Church as "the great whore" and "a false cult system." The tipping point for McCain was Hagee's comment that Adolf Hitler had been fulfilling God's will by targeting Jews.
Christ on a crutch, wouldn't any responsible typist point out the pandering weasels's recent conversion to Popery & wonder about that in the context of Hagee's tired Catholic-bashing?
Speaking at Cornerstone Church on Sunday, the former House Speaker expressed worries about the nation losing its faith and becoming a "secular atheist country"--a talk that earned him a standing ovation, per the San Antonio Express News's Abe Levy.

"The heart of our faith is that this is a temporary moment on a much longer journey, and that we should spend this life preparing for a much larger life," Gingrich said. "If you live purely secularly, and you believe there is no much larger life, then all of this is very foolish."
It's pathetically obvious that logical discourse, guilt & shame have no effect on this pudding-head. He obviously converted a bit late to enjoy the benefits of Catholic education; perhaps a few sharp raps on the knuckles followed by having his fat yap thoroughly washed out w/ lye-based soap will do the trick.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I think it would be hard (beavis laugh) to top this response.

Glennis said...

The man has no shame, does he?

M. Bouffant said...

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Not to mention the non-stop both-sides-of-his-mouth on Libya.

Has your neck of the woods dried yet?