Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Bye-bye, Losers

If you stupid Americans taking up space in the wrong parts of the continent pull a stunt like electing a Republican president again, don't think for one fucking minute that we in The Sensible State will not take our eighth-largest (Or whatever. You look it up!) in the world economy & secede, which, we hope, will send the rest of you clowns into the final economic decline you so richly deserve.

Some statistics that back our ridiculous contention, from Pensito Review's recap of CalBuzz's look at the losers at the Calif. State Republican convention:
Bob Mulholland, a former political director of the California Democratic Party, whom CalBuzz described as a “troublemaker,” helpfully provided the site’s reporters with numbers that reveal just how bad things are for the state’s hapless Republicans:
  • There are 7,569,581 registered Democrats (44 percent) and 5,307,411 registered Republicans, (31 percent). This is the lowest GOP percentage in the history of California.
  • Democrats hold 123 of the 187 partisan seats in California (66 percent).
  • Democrats won all nine statewide races last November and now hold all 10 state offices (including both U.S. Senate seats). Since 1988, Democrats have won all five presidential races and all eight U.S. Senate races.
  • President Obama won California by 24 points (61 percent to 37 percent) or by 3,262,692 votes.
  • Democrats hold 34 of 53 House seats; 52 of 80 Assembly seats and 25 of 40 State Senate seats.
To this, we might note, there are also 3,507,119 DTS voters (Decline To State a party) (20 percent) – double the percentage from 1994. Polling and voting data find that these voters — by and large — think and act more like Democrats than Republicans on electoral issues most of the time.
Ha fucking ha. Suck. On. This. Tomorrow belongs to us!


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

If you stupid Americans taking up space in the wrong parts of the continent pull a stunt like electing a Republican president again...

You mean Obama?

M. Bouffant said...

DINO Editor Sadly Agrees:

Ouch. Snap, even.

But hey, there's never been a democratic president. And the Democratic Prexies of this reporter's existence, from Johnson on, have been little better than the GOP's winners.

What can you say, it's a center-stupid nation.