Thursday, March 24, 2011

Reasonable Republicans

Not only that, but reasonable Republican primary voters, claims Jennifer Rubin. Well, except the ones in Iowa. (We bold, you laugh.)
More experienced conservative political operative [sic] reacted with eye-rolling today. Perhaps they, unlike much of the blogosphere, give Republican primary voters more credit. The campaign-toughened Republicans understand presidential primary voters are a reasonable lot, and — at least outside of Iowa — are unlikely to risk the White House on a fire-breathing presidential nominee.
And South Carolina. And Utah. And Idaho. And Arizona. And so on.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I know when I think "Reasonable Republican", Jennifer Rubin pops into mind.

Wait, no. I meant when I think of yet another batshit neocon that Fred Hiatt has stocking in his crazy pond at the War Criminal Post.

M. Bouffant said...

Art Reviewer Types:

Just noticed that J.R. is caricatured like a monkey. Or a Habsburg.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

If there is a Reasonable Republican still around, the Teabaggers have them in their sights.

In both metaphorical and literal senses.

Hunger Tallest Palin wants to change his handle to Robots a-go-go but can barely remember all of his handles as it is said...

Reasonable Republicans. Oh, you and your oxymorons.

Or do I mean oxymorans?

M. Bouffant said...

Alliteration Editor Expounds:

No sheet. We momentarily considered typing on & on about whether there is a reasonable one holding public office; there probably is, but s/he is scared shitless of the yahoos.

They all think they at least have to act like loons while campaigning.

Maybe we should've gone w/ "Rockefeller Republicans." Still alliterates, & they're gone too.