Monday, October 25, 2010

Desperately Unorthodox

Compare & contrast: This web log's take on Nut-Meg & her desperation time advert, and the reaction from Tucker's Daily Caller:
Meg Whitman delivers an unorthodox reintroduction of herself to California’s voters in the closing days of the election.

Read more:
NB: Like a large portion of everything The Daily Crawling Terror shoves down America's throat, the above auto-link is a lie: there's nothing more to read at the page linked, & very little else worth consumption at the site.

Though we are amazed at the non-stop rerunning of every AP story about fatal transportation accidents world-wide. Here, here, here, & here.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Liz Sidoti (of the A.P.) once delivered sprinkled donuts to McCain.

That's your A.P.

M. Bouffant said...

Not Paranoid, They Really Are After All Of Us Editor Notes:

This is the second time a gmail comment notification from you has included a lagomorph reference on the top advert. Today. (Ignored the first one, but two is enough not to consider it a co-inky-dink.)

Bunny Parties / Events - - Hands-on in a Bunny Pen! Great Prices, Loveable Bunnies

Who is more evil, Google or The AP? May have to flip a coin.