We had a more than sneaking suspicion as to the group in question (And a suspicion that it wasn't the Santa Monica NPR station, KCRW, which is sucky and does no local reporting, but the not-nearly-as-sucky Pasadena NPR station, KPCC.) & of course our suspicions were correct (or you wouldn't be reading this).My local station had a nice story about a group in Santa Monica that is working to register the homeless and mentally ill and get them to the polls. These voters were talking about the issues that matter to them – generally entitlement and jobs programs as some of them are disabled. One story was told about a man who couldn’t read or write getting assistance to vote.
I was stopped at a light and I looked over at the BMW next to me and the driver (alone) was clearly ranting to the air about something he just heard.
I then realized that all over OC, wingnuts were going completely ballistic over the prospect that the homeless actually do get to vote, and that someone is caring (to them, stupid) enough to help them to. NPR can do no wrong for the next year just due to that story.
Said organization being Step Up On Second, w/o whom this reporter might still be on the mean (yet mostly boring) streets. Actually, not the organization, but the relentlessly cheerful (should have asked him about his medication(s), if any, & gotten a script ourself) Les Jones, seen here w/ his trademark red fedora,
![]() |
What's he going to do when his trademark wears out? |
Two yrs. ago, we were still using their services, but managed to register on our own, as Step Up had temporarily housed our sorry ass in a motel they were converting to housing for young homeless people, & we had a somewhat permanent address. That's some damn service!
People w/ money to spare/give for others could do one hell of a lot worse than send a buck or ten in Step Up On Second's direction.
Details at The LookOut, or read & listen at KPCC.
*Too obvious/simple? Probably. Do we care? No, it's almost four in the fucking a.m.
That's pretty cool, M.B.
I'm one of them silly liberals who gets fired up and writes checks to polly tickians, sometimes.
Some of the clowns I sent money to in 2006 turned out to be the lamest DINO's on the planet.
I will send something Step Up On Second's way.
Does Like Sleeping Inside, At Least During The Cooler, Wetter Mos. Ed Is Abashed:
Gee. Was pretty much kidding, indeed, almost threw in a "Hah, none of the audience here are of a charitable nature, nagonna happen."
You break this old cynic's heart.
And you'll join such show biz luminaries as James "Marshall Dillon"/"The Thing" Arness, who's on the big-dollar donors display in the ebtrance.
The cynic inside tells us Jim may have had a relative w/ problems, but whatever.
1328 Second St., S.M., Ca 90401. You don't even have to Google it.
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