Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Public Service Announcement

New spew de nous chez Whiskey Fire. If there's anyone who visits here but not there.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

I can't wait until you take McMegan to the woodshed for her latest affront to decency, in which she writes:

I notice it much more on left wing sites, but that’s because I basically refuse to read angry right-wing sites, so I don’t know what’s going on there.

and goes on to write:

It’s one thing to be angry; it’s another when anger is the main force that binds a group together. Call me a vaporing language nanny, but I thought it was pretty creepy when Jon Chait described another liberal journalist, Michael Kinsley, another journalist, as “curb stomping” economist Greg Mankiw for, yes, daring to suggest that higher marginal tax rates might have incentive effects. Woo-hoo!

But why stop with curb-stomping?

which in light of this needs to be harped on.

Excoration, please!

Word verification- conch... holy Ned, a real word!

M. Bouffant said...

Slipping Badly Ed. Realizes:

Great Gobs of Goo!! Having seen her latest mess destroyed by better minds we'd already forgotten it, & failed to make the virtually direct connection there.

We've been seriously contemplating waking up at 0500, rather than hitting the rack then, just to keep up w/ you Eastern elites. On the other hand (Warts!) that would be giving in to East Coast hegemony & denying our biorhythm.

We're sure it will be covered more than adequately. Tintin? Susan? Diffbrad? NonT? Hello?