Monday, October 25, 2010

Democracy Killed By Nation Of Rubes

From Colorado:
As The Denver Post reported back in September, minor party status means that Republicans wouldn't appear at the top of the ballot with the Democrats in 2012 and 2014. Instead, they'll be listed down with the Libertarian, Green Party and other third-party candidates.


[A] memo written by Arapahoe County Republican Party Chairman Dave Kerber obtained by the Post in early October spells out some serious consequences.
Our state house and senate candidates will similarly be relegated to bottom positions. In 2014, when we have our US Senate, Governor, Attorney General, Treasurer etc races, again, we will be at the bottom of the ballot fighting the libertarians etc for ballot placement. As we all know, being at the top or toward the top can mean several percentage points in the vote, enough in a close race to secure victory.
Our emphasis. Are the voters flipping coins once they get in the booth? See also: South Carolina's Democratic Senate nominee, Alvin Greene.
Indeed, in a three-hour interview, the unemployed military veteran could not name a single specific thing he'd done to campaign. Yet more than 100,000 South Carolinians voted for him on Tuesday, handing him nearly 60 percent of the vote and a resounding victory over Vic Rawl, a former judge who has served four terms in the state legislature.
Proud of yourselves, sheep?It is not possible to despise a group of people more than we despise American citizens. We hold the rest of the species in utter contempt as well (No favorites!) but knowing Yankee morons as we do, we place them at the top of the shit-list.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

You are too kind, M.B.

When you gonna toughen up?

M. Bouffant said...

Pissed & Raging Editor Warns:

Do not encourage us! The next move is culling the mentally weak from the human herd, & we are a harsh judge.

Substance McGravitas said...

That's "menatally week".

M. Bouffant said...

Judge, Jury & Editor Decides:

We will make decisions based on spelling. Watch those needless "U"s.