Sunday, October 17, 2010

Angry Asshole Routine Not Working So Well In NY

Breaking News Alert The New York Times Sun, October 17, 2010 -- 7:25 PM ET
New York Poll Finds Anger at Albany and Wide Edge for Andrew M. Cuomo

New York voters are profoundly pessimistic about the state economy, worried that they or someone in their household will be laid off in the coming year, and convinced that Albany is rife with corruption.

But in the race for governor, they are rallying not around the gruff outsider who has promised to take a baseball bat to Albany, but around an insider who has spent much of his adult life working in government: Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo.

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Maybe if Paladino can actually make his head explode w/ rage he'll pick up a few points.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

"Angry Asshole Routine Not Working So Well In NY"

It's a shame it's working so well around the rest these soon to be failed states.

My telebision was full of Republican attack ads today.

They're even attacking the Attorney General for 'slow crime labs'.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

There are hilarious road signs up, reading: "I'm mad too, Carl!"

Mad, indeed.

Morbo said...

The Republican candidate for governor here has been accused of being a Democratic plant because he is insufficiently angry and assholish. We'll see if he wins or not.

Substance McGravitas said...

I think Paladino should kill that guy from The Post. Win/win!

M. Bouffant said...

Used to see Dicker (guy from the Post) on Imus when Imus was on MSNBC. He could be amusing, but he'd be amusing as Paladino's victim too.

I'd imagine El Bastard-o may have a fuller take. As to the signs, did (tech for) a play once, the opening line of which was "I'm pissed, I'm raging." Still works!

Morbo, where you at? State OK, don't need more detail.

Shirley R budget cuts will speed up the crime labs.

Morbo said...

Michigan, candidate in question is Rick "one tough nerd" Snyder. You have to admit he may be a plant. What self-respecting Republican allows himself to be called a nerd, much less refers to himself as such?

Having looked, yes, he is crushing in the polls. On the bright side, as of May we still hate John Engler.

M. Bouffant said...

Ignorance Ed. Discovers Something:

Hadn't heard of Snyder before, but just saw he's the Gateway founder. (Therefore, "rich nerd" & OK!) Looks as if the business model there has changed, though.