Monday, October 5, 2009

Canada: Retarded Giant To The North*

Via a Canuck, we learn that our brothers, sisters, cousins, other relatives, neighbo(u)rs & friends to the North are attempting to "Stop Spending," or something.

W/ Canadians being all polite & so on, as well as lacking much of a revolutionary tradition (or counter-revolutionary tradition, in this case) we doubt this sort of thing will go very far. Not that we know squat about anything in the Great Whiteness north of us. Or shit about anything that occurs in these United Snakes, either. (Your entire species, especially those who use & abuse the English language, confuses the hell out of us.)

* Stolen from the National Lampoon, where it first appeared 30 or so yrs. ago. (Yes, we've been waiting that long to appropriate it. Actually, we may have already used it, but not in a title.) Don't take it personally, you overly-sensitive gay-marrying frozen fairies! (We don't really think you're all unfailingly polite, all the time, for example.)

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