Saturday, October 17, 2009

LL Cool G

And from the focus groups:
Glenn Beck, however, received nothing short of adulation from these voters, particularly the women.  They believe he embodies the best of conservative media – determination to unearth the stories the liberal media tries to bury, love of country, and refusal to be intimidated, even as the liberal media unleashes waves of attacks on his past and his credibility.

I think he’s a patriot… I think he’s passionate.  You know they make jokes about him crying and all this kind of stuff; I think the man, I think the man feels it.  I think he’s genuine.

I think the guy’s brilliant.  No one goes after him because he does his homework.  He checks, double checks, triple checks and he says he refuses to put it on the air unless it’s been checked a hundred different times.  So when you can’t get at him, you start calling him names and start digging into his past.

He is a firecracker… He tells the truth… He is also a person who says what he thinks… He gets emotional, but if you can past the emotion and follow his logic, he makes some really good points.

I get angry when I watch his show because I get angry that no one is listening to this and how come regular media is not airing it.

Two aspects of the discussion on Beck among conservative Republicans were particularly noteworthy.  One was a common fear among the women for his personal safety, a belief that his willingness to stand up to powerful liberal interests was putting his life, as well as the lives of those working with him, in danger.  Of course, his willingness to face this danger head on only adds to his legend.

I fear for his life… He is heavily secured believe me.

Glenn Beck is the type of man that he has put his personal finances on the line to protect everyone of his employees.  They all have… bodyguards, security, high security.  He said I don’t care if my business goes down or I am put out of business, this is my family, my family and, he has twelve employees in his business.  That is the kind of man he is.

The other is the commitment these voters have made to Beck and his show.  More than half of the respondents in our conservative Republicans groups indicated that they try to watch or listen to Beck on a daily basis, with some going to great lengths to ensure they (and their families) do not miss a thing.

I listen to him every morning.  I try if I get home at 5:00 I try to watch him on TV.  If not, I’ll watch him on the internet the next day.

Watch and listen.  Well I don’t watch anymore because we are unemployed and I had to cancel cable but I listen to him on the radio… I catch the last half hour of his show everyday because I get home from work… I record it… My 16-year-old watches Beck.  She says, “Is it recorded?  I hope you didn’t delete it yet. ” There’s hope.
"Keep hope alive!" suckers.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I think the man, I think the man feels it. I think he’s genuine.

No one ever went broke, etc.

M. Bouffant said...

From Our Entertainment Editor:

We bet we could have gone broke w/ this mess if it (We, really.) weren't gov't. subsidized.

Although, in all modesty, it would have been from overestimating the intelligence of the Great Unwashed. (Fucking sheep!)

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