Thursday, October 15, 2009

Chickification Of "Men Who Do Things" By FemiNazis, Or: The Geeks Strike Back

Left-liberal fans of speculative fiction may get a larf from this screed*, coming to our attention from The Divine Mr. M., in the wilds to our north. (Farther, even, than The Valley.)
Mr. M. is divine enough to provide a rebuttal to Mr. (We kid you not:)  PRO-MALE/ANTI-FEMINIST TECH's screed.

Anyone willing to email this to DoughBob DumbPants for reaction?

*True afficionados of this variation on the formal rightist whine will note that P-M/A-F links to '70s Starbuck Dirk Benedict's Big Hose complaint box submission.


Substance McGravitas said...

Er...what? 1970s Battlestar Galactica as an example of science fiction??? Wagon Train in space???

M. Bouffant said...

Perhaps "Geekier" Than He Would Like To Appear Editor Snickers:

Wrong crummy attempt at Tee Vee Ess Eff. We refer you to the authority:

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Re: Wagon Train in Space [Jonah Goldberg]
Several reader have noted that it was Roddenberry himself who coined "Wagon Train in Space." My apologies, I just remembered a majorr article with the title and must have forgotten the origin of the phrase.

'70s BS, when men were still men & space-sheep were nervous, was more Wagon to the Star Wars.

Substance McGravitas said...

Battlestar Galactica actually had the wagons!

Long time Star Trek geek, first time outed.