Some technical questions: Both of these fine products are made by the Pillsbury division of the General Mills Corporation. So why bother w/ two different brands, for what is essentially the same shit? Can anyone tell the difference between Jeno's® & Totino's®? Indeed, is there any difference other than packaging? Why the limited palette of Jeno's®:
compared to Totino's®:
Canadian Style Bacon
Classic Pepperoni
Mexican Style
Mini Meatball
Pepperoni Trio
Three Cheese
Three Meat?
What's the difference between "Classic Pepperoni" & "Pepperoni?" Not to mention "Pepperoni Trio?" Three pepperonis, all w/ E. coli? Why no Jeno's® Pizza Rolls®? Yet Totino's® has Pizza Rolls® & MEGA Pizza Rolls®?
Frankly, we here @ Just Another Blog™ are very confused. Can someone help us?
Undoubtedly, many, many MBAs working overtime went into creating the panoply of "food" products offered my both Jeno's and Totino's. And who am I to doubt the wisdom of an MBA? After all, our president has such a degree and look at how the US turned out under his leadership!
The Editor Babbles:
Dear Ms. Lens,
You're welcome! Done! And we got an item from your request & pimped your upcoming book. As we type your site seems more text than HTML, but you may be messing w/ it.
Linked to you 'cause you're local, we stole one of your photos (w/ attribution, of course) & we remember the good old days. We keep meaning to put Alice Bag over there too.
Thanks for saying we make you laugh. No need for flattery, though.
The Editor Stands Corrected: We don't think we did use one of your pix, your warnings may have scared us off. It may have been punk turns 30 linking to you, or Alice Bag linking to you. Whatever. Thanks for the link update. Now maybe we will grab a photo.
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