1 hot dog, cook's choice
1 Idaho baking potato, 7 to 10 ounces
Mustard for dipping, any style
Other condiments as desired such as cheese sauce, sour cream, chili, chives, bacon pieces or black olives.
Wash and dry potato. Rub with shortening or butter. With an apple corer or small knife, core out the potato center (end to end). Push hot dog through the center. Bake until potato is cooked through.
Can you guess whose "recipe" this is? Sometimes this shit just about
writes itself.
Super Tuber is a great snack that uses one of my favorite vegetables: The Idaho Potato. Of course, I suppose any type of potato could be used, but I cannot guarantee that a Super Tuber made with anything but a true Idaho potato would taste as good. Sincerely, Larry E. Craig, United States Senator
"Push hot dog through the center." Eeeww!!
Weasel's stealing my gag, dammit!
Actually, my gag is an Octodog draped over a baked red potato, with catsup or melted Velveeta. We call it Lunch with Cthulhu.
Editorial Reply:
Octodog? Several dogs split into eight, or the whole pack laid out?
And we hope the ketchup is only for blood simulation, not something you'd ordinarily put on a dog.
Melted Velveeta, though. The House of Bouffant has a Tupperware™ brand Velveeta™ refrigerator container. Yum!
Actually, an OctoDog is a gadget that cuts your franks into something approaching an octopus shape, then you cook it. It is not uncool, if extraordinarily goofy. Dave Barry did a bit on it, and a few years ago my local Aquarium had one.
Sorry it took me so long to remember to get back to this, I'm clustering this week. Don't blame the octodogs; I think it was probably the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup I unwisely had post-Halloween.
Sympathetic Editorial Response:
Not to worry, there is neither a time limit nor the necessity of responding to our response. All questions may be considered rhetorical.
The OctoDog must make some thin tentacles.
Hope the brain is better. Demon Sugar can cause clusters? Damn, that sucks.
It does. I prefer turkey franks, they don't fall apart when you cook them. The Octodog packaging converts into a stand to microwave your hot dog, as well. It is, all in all, an incredibly efficient, if incredibly useless, little gadget.
And not really the sugar, but peanuts are a common trigger for migraines, which at least in my case cause clusters from time to time. But damn if all the really good candy doesn't have peanuts.
For whatever it's worth, I recently got my MRI results back. The doctor says my brain is 100% normal. I'm framing that and putting it on the wall next to my IQ test score of 89.
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