We'd bet Richard Roberts (pasty vampire-looking jerk below) is never closer to gawd than when he's on the ORU jet (pretty much reserved for the exclusive use of the Roberts family) at altitude. Photo found @
this web log, which pulls no punches.

From gawd to the
AP, via Richard Roberts:
Richard Roberts told students at Oral Roberts University Wednesday that he did not want to resign as president of the scandal-plagued evangelical school, but that he did so because God insisted.
God told him on Thanksgiving that he should resign the next day, Roberts told students in the university's chapel.
Roberts said he wanted to "strike out" against the people who were persecuting him, and considered countersuing, but "the Lord said, 'don't do that,'" he said.
Roberts has previously said that God told him to deny the allegations. The week the lawsuit was filed, Richard Roberts said that God told him: "We live in a litigious society. Anyone can get mad and file a lawsuit against another person whether they have a legitimate case or not. This lawsuit ... is about intimidation, blackmail and extortion."
On Wednesday, Roberts said God told him he would "do something supernatural for the university" if he stepped down from the job he held at the 5,700-student school since 1993.
There's a bit more to the story, but we felt we should just share gawd's invaluable advice on crisis control & legal matters. Said advice consisting mostly of: "Deny, deny, deny, but if the lawsuits continue to pile up & your flunkies are about to throw your under the proverbial bus to save their own shares of the scam, get out on the
day after Thanksgiving when almost no one will notice."
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