Once, he even scolded gay escort Mike Jones for outing Rev. Ted Haggard as one of his gay escort business participants.An honest whore. Well, semi-discreet.
“You were paid for sex, Mike,” he wrote in 2006. “The most important rule you can follow when taking people’s money in exchange for sex is that—no matter what—their lives stay their own and whatever passes between the two of you remains private. Period.”
The boy happens to be real, and his “stage name” is Benjamin Nicholas. One of the politicos Big Head DC has learned he’s alleged to have been involved with is the married Sen. Trent Lott, 66, who unexpectedly announced his retirement on Monday. Lott is well-known to have been against a plethora of gay rights issues throughout his terms in Congress. He was
also good friends with Sen. Larry Craig throughout his time in Congress.
Nicholas told Big Head DC today via e-mail that he didn’t want to go on the record to talk about his dealings with Lott, because, said Nicholas, “Trent is going through his fair share of scrutiny right now and I don’t want to add to it.” However, e-mail and other records confirm that the two have met on at least two occasions.“All I can say at this point is no comment,” Nicholas told us. “It’s the professional thing for me to do.”
In a subsequent e-mail message, Nicholas confirmed that another publication is working on a story about a “possible relationship” between Lott and himself, but Nicholas also “politely declined” an interview for that story.
“As I said before, Lott has quite a bit on his plate right now and I don’t really want to add fuel to the embers,” Nicholas told Big Head DC.
Then the party-poopers @HuffPo put a wet blanket on the whole thing. Responsible journalism is boring & stupid, makes little money, & doesn't topple governments or start riots in the streets.
The charge was first published by the Washington DC blog Big Head DC, which claimed to have emails where the escort, Benjamin Nicholas, allegedly playing coy, declined to go on the record because "Trent is going through his fair share of scrutiny right now and I don't want to add to it."There's always hope Trent's 'phone # will be in the latest D. C. Madam's Big List of Congressional Pervs.
But in an email message, Nicholas himself said the item was false.
"There's nothing to be said, as Lott and I have no connection whatsoever," Nicholas wrote in an email to The Huffington Post. "How these 'quotes' have been fabricated are beyond me. The Senator is someone I have had no personal dealings with, ever."
In a subsequent posting on his own Web site, Nicholas wrote, "I have not, nor have I ever seen or had contact with Senator Trent Lott. It's as simple as that. It never happened."
(FWIW: This is Item #600.)
“You were paid for sex, Mike,” he wrote in 2006. “The most important rule you can follow when taking people’s money in exchange for sex is that—no matter what—their lives stay their own and whatever passes between the two of you remains private. Period.”
I love this quote. I can just imagine, say, Burt Lancaster barking it out to his promising-but-wild protege, played by Tony Curtis, as the mood music swells in the background.
"God dammit, Mike, you're a manwhore. That used to mean something.
Ex-Senator Lott appears to have a foreskin around his neck. That's just not right.
Still, I am glad that you posted the picture, since the shock of seeing his grimacing visage has stopped me "planting a seed" for Mrs Roberts downstream.
The Usual Gang of Idiot Replies:
Sadly (or not) nothing means anything these days. Not even being a manwhore.
We hope those red lips & pink cheeks just mean that Singing Senator Lott was somewhere near a telebision studio. (It is a firm policy of this web log to use the least flattering photo of any political figure we can find, w/ the possible exception of porn stars, Italian or otherwise, running for office, & Mussolini's granddaughter, the Italian parliamentarian.)
We're not going to pile on Mrs. Roberts any more (as we're sure we're much too old for her).
This manwhore story ain't real. That's just media twisting. (At least, this is my view of it.) But...I wouldn't be surprised if he was linked to the DC Madam. In fact... I highly suspect it.
The Editor Replies:
We're actually inclined to agree, he doesn't set off the gaydar (but that's like Bill Frist diagnosing Terri Schiavo by videotape).
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