Friday, November 30, 2007

An Open Letter to a Creepy Little Punk

Not at all a spoiled little jerk.
Insufferable little shit Tucker Carlson, in response to the campaign HQ "bomb"/hostage crisis & a suggestion by former FBI profiler Clint Van Zandt that the hostage taker had no means to be heard, would be found to have written many letters to the editor, etc., suggested that the hostage taker, like "most mentally ill people in this country," should have started a blog. (Not an exact quote.) Hey, we resemble that remark!!

We'd also like to make an explicit physical threat against Mr. Carlson, who just rubs us the wrong way. (Not because of that remark in particular, although we'd like to know what's wrong w/ free speech in a democracy.) Next time you're here on The Coast, please let us know where you & we can get together, so we can shove a Swanson Frozen TV dinner down your craw, & another one up your poop chute, after which we'll strangle you w/ one of your no longer worn bow ties.

Seriously. No security flunkies. No getting one of your high school buddies to help you slam the head of some guy who'd allegedly grabbed at your crotch in the men's room into the wall of said men's room. Just you, us (editorial "we," there, by the way) & a couple of those frozen dinners whence your mother inherited her money and passed it on to you, you privileged, spoiled little twit. Seriously. Next time you're out here, trying out for another C-List celebrity reality show, look us up. We dare you, punk.


Anonymous said...

Why would anyone care if the idiot little El Salvadorian that seduced, raped and killed Casendra was hired by Gary condit? She is dead. a life snuffed in the D>C. park that has witnessed government killings, Ron Parks, Hillery's stooge who was supposed to kill himself by shooting himseld in the back between the shoulder blades. Deport the little faggot back to his Central american cesspool and let them care for his judgement. another testimony for homeland security to shoot them as they climbe the fence to come in

M. Bouffant said...

Comments Editor Responds:

As if there were any need for proof, we can now see the ignorance, semi-literacy, incompetence & stupidity of the typical homophobic racist Internet user. Think how stupid the ones who can't use or afford the web are. Frightening. Click here for the full scoop on just how dense "Anonymous" is.