That may be a little harsh, actually. Of course there are policies. If information gathered may be sold, it will be, & if the gov't. comes knocking, companies will roll over & play dead w/o profit, or even a doggie treat.
Don't forget, of course, the various telephone cos. in the U. S. of A. that are more than happy to build "secret" rooms, fully-equipped for spying, in their facilities, which they then hand over to the government to use as it will. (Do the telcos charge the government for the service, equipment & space, or does it come out of the shareholder's wallet? Might be worth looking into for a stockholder lawsuit.)Yang and Callahan defended Yahoo during the hearing, arguing that the company was doing its best to compete in China's notoriously difficult business environment. They noted that Yahoo must respond to lawful requests by authorities for information about Internet users -- just as they must when served with subpoenas in the United States.
But Tuesday's performance by Yang and Callahan could give a boost to the legislation.
Committee Chairman Tom Lantos (D-Burlingame) and other lawmakers pilloried Yang and Michael Callahan, Yahoo's executive vice president and general counsel, for providing Chinese officials with Shi's identity from his e-mail address in 2004, then misleading lawmakers last year about what it knew about the case."While technologically and financially you are giants, morally you are pygmies," Lantos said, scolding Yahoo executives.

Overthrow???? Bouff, where is your nihilism? How about just flat-out destruction? No more nothing (as Fear would say)!
End This World Now Editor Answers:
We were just trying to get a rise out of whichever Feds are surveilling us. It's not against the "law" to call for planetary destruction/humanoid eradication, yet it is "illegal" to advocate rapid governmental change. So far, they've done nothing, but we're getting desperate for publicity. Look for more outrage soon.
P. S.: If we had two lumps of plutonium or uranium & could make them go critical by smashing them together w/ our bare hands, we would!! (Hey, maybe mentioning plutonium & uranium will get the Feds to look more closely.)
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