The Daily Dish, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Atlantic, has linked to two Atlantic articles from previous centuries that concern our friends the Mormons, one published in the April, 1864 issue, one from February 1900.
The meat from 1900:
"This Mormon Church binds its adherents with the strongest bonds known under heaven. It is at once a religion, an empire, a fraternity, a trust, and a partnership in crime."
Both regular readers of Just Another Blog (from L. A.)™ know that we hold a special place in our black, evil, little heart for the Latter-Day Saints, mostly because, as their cult is completely w/in the purview of recent, recorded history, it's so easy to demonstrate that the whole thing is as bogus as soy milk, or Piltdown man, or unicorns, or George Bush's plans for anything. So we just love mocking Mormons, and by extension, all other religions. Bogus, bogus, bogus. All of it.
Enjoy the prose of previous centuries, by the way. You'll really appreciate the modern, stripped-down style we offer @ Just Another Blog™.
1 comment:
Yeah. They must thank their lucky stars or gods or whatever every day for the Scientologists. The Scientologists make the Mormons look half credible.
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