give me an excuse to show this shot of that hideous Hilton bitch even as she has been excused from her already lessened sentence. Poor tootsie, she was all depressed & heading for a nervous breakdown, so they thought they'd let her out so she could finish her sentence at her big WeHo house. Frankly, any one who would let her picture be taken like this by someone who would then allow it to get on the intrawebs deserves a more severe punishment, but we haven't yet outlawed privilege, arrogance, & stupidity. Write your various local, state & federal representatives for action on those bills. And (locals only!) show up in front of the courthouse tomorrow morning w/ signs demanding her continued incarceration! The hearing on whether or not she goes back in starts @ 0900. I don't actually know which courthouse it is, and you can fucking bet that I, in my own arrogance & privilege, will be sleeping like death itself @ 0900 tomorrow. But don't let that stop you.
Check out this news item on the Paris Hilton story, Bouff- http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070607/ap_en_ce/paris_hilton The Steve Cron quoted in the story as a celebrity lawyer was the lawyer who called me on the phone and wrote me letters to get me to not press charges against Jeanie for the first attack she made on me three years ago. I estimate that Jeanie paid him about $800 an hour to yak with me on the phone, write me letters, and get her out of her little contretemps. Oh, it must be nice to have lots of money.....
Our Editor replies:
It must be very, very nice indeed. I wish I had the slightest idea. $800.00 an hour? American? Dang.
P. S. Your link was not completely reproduced by the PIECE OF SHIT THAT WE KNOW AS BLOGGER!!! I'm really glad I didn't put any money in the Google IPO a few years back there, because it's patently obvious they'll be out of business soon, if they provide service like this.
Not to mention that Google, unlike other, reputable, search engine providers, who keep info for a day or two, maintains records of searches made for 18-24 months. One of these days they'll hand over records to the gummint, get the pants sued off them for doing so, & that'll be it for "Do No Harm," or "Do No Evil, or whatever the hell their lying bullshit corporate slogan or motto is. And don't forget how they let the Chicoms run roughshod over their set-up in China, censorship & repression wise, in a style best known to Rupert Murdoch. Although they didn't go as far as that pseudo-American, actual Australian shitheel Murdoch, a Catholic hypocrite who divorced his Australian wife of many years in order to marry a Chinese woman significantly younger than he, no doubt to improve business opportunities in China.
(And thanks for the chance to rant & rave like the malcontent lunatic that I am. And FUCK YOU, GOOGLE/BLOGGER!!!!!!)
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