"Dangerous" Dave writes:
Thursday, June, 07, 2007 11:34 PM
This, along with the recent camera phone video of that 17 year old Kurdish girl being kicked and stoned to death for dating a Sunni Boy, have made me think there is no hope for these folks. They need to be done like Ripley wanted to do to the aliens in the second Alien movie... pull out, nuke them from orbit. Maybe start the Middle East over from scratch. These are barbaric animals, and the only way to deal with them is to terrorize them. Or kill them.
Wonder what "Dangerous" thought we should do about all those miscegenation laws we used to have in This Great Nation of Ours™? Drop a few nukes from orbit on the Mississippi Delta where Emmett Till was murdered for whistling @ a white woman? "From orbit." Jeezis, what a complete moron. Do these fools get all their ideas from action movies & video games?
Dark_Wizard writes:Have a nice day.
Friday, June, 08, 2007 4:12 AM
Don't be such a Jimmy Carter
This is what I would do if I were President Bush. Call Ahmadinejad on his cell phone (Vlad Putin has the number) and say "look to the south of Tehran at morning prayers tomorrow. The red glow on the horizon will be an oil refinery burning. If the hostages are not drinking beer in Germany on Saturday morning, then another oil refinery and one transfer terminal will be next. Oh! Just so you know, we have more cruise missiles then you have oil production facilities.
Hey, "Wiz": Try closing your quotes, and then go back to your Bungholes &
Dragqueens games.
Bev writes:We'll assume "Bev" wanted to ask: "Does the word caliphate mean
Friday, June, 08, 2007 5:01 AM
agenda for Iran
Does the word Caliphate mean anything? Iran's leader has made clear his intentions. Don't look for any logic within. Anything and everything will be done within Iran's power to make this happen -- don't be fooled into thinking anything less.
anything to you?," because I know the word means something.
Oddly enough, it's not what Ahmadinejad wants, he's into the
"return of the twelfth imam," or something, which I guess is like when God, jr. comes back for the Jesusites. Nothing but foaming maniacs who can't wait to destroy the world, no matter which side of the crusade they're
And from "Big Arch": If I were POTUSA I would not send cruise missiles in where NUKES would do a far better job of ending the terror of the nutcases that wear towels on their heads and hate in their hearts.
It's POTUS, not "POTUSA." These people all have reading problems, & comprehension problems, & memory problems. Shorter version: They're stupid. The dangerous kind. There's Forrest Gump stupid, where people at least realize they're stupid and deal w/ it, and there's these people stupid, where some other problem keeps them from realizing they'd all be a hell of a lot better off if they'd just shut up & leave the grown-ups alone.
Rich L.writes:
Friday, June, 08, 2007 7:57 AM
Fred, it is good to see you have a fine grasp of the situation. Now as to the solution, I like Charlie's idea better than Big Arch's nuclear answer for the simple reason that a nuke attack would cause serious ramifications whereas the tactical cruise
missile would cause minor ramifications. If we nuke, we would have to go all out and turn the entire country, if not ME, into glass. Not the worst outcome, but as I said, there would be ramifications even from our "allies".
These people only understand might and force, anything less is considered a weakness to be exploited.
"Not the worst outcome..." Oh. That would be...?
"Little curtain climber?" Huh? And a big crush on the "beloved" Navy. Or those brave, vibrant, virile sailors anyway, all pent up from months at sea...Chopper John writes:
Friday, June, 08, 2007 9:10 AM
New Advisors
Dear Pres Bush It is readily apparent to some of us out here that your current crop of advisors have failed you miserably. That is, unless the problem actually lies with you failing to follow their advice. Whichever the case may be, I strongly suggest you pay serious attention to the advice offered by posters Dark Wizard and CharlieS. You must not continue to let that little curtain climber get away with flaunting his terrorist horse manure, and the advice of the aforementioned posters seems reasonably thought out and easily accomplished by our beloved Navy.Well done, DW and CS.
Well, the old reversal works pretty well on this one. "The only way our leaders can remain in power is to constantly remind us that Muslims are our enemies and when they are destroyed, their oil will be ours." And: "...it mostly rationalization for wholesale murder." That's them. For us, however: "...the only way to solve our problem is to kill them off..." That's not wholesale murder, is it? (And I'm sure "Gunny" wants us all to think he is/was a Gunnery Sg't. in the USMC, but I'm guessing his name is from his primary occupation, picking up trash w/ one of those sticks w/ a spike on the end, & putting said trash into a gunny sack. Ha ha.)Gunny writes:
Friday, June, 08, 2007 11:21 AM
Dangerous Dave rocks
I agree 100 percent with Dave. There is no way to placate or appease these barbarians. Their whole way of life is one of deception, riddles, lies and fakery. Their religion tells them it's OK to lie to and deceive their enemies. Their religious
leaders have complete control of their minds.The only way their leaders can remain in power is to constantly remind them that Israel and America are their enemies and that when they are destroyed, the world will open up all it's riches to them....America and Israel are holding them hostages and are the reason they are so poor and miserable...not because of anything their own leaders are responsible for.You can listen to these Islo-Fascist people give their so-called reasons for this Jihad to rid the world of democracy, but it mostly rationalization for wholesale murder. In the end the only way to solve our
problem is to kill them off or at the very least frighten them into thinking that any more nonsense on their part will be their certain death, theirs and their families.
In which case said "hostages" will have been reduced to their component atoms & quarks as well, but, you know, gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet. Note also that Bush is now "A Liberal President."
Georgetwin writes:
Friday, June, 08, 2007 12:54 PM
Once Again, we have to clean up a mess that A Liberal President was too COWARDLY to take care of! It's time to drop the gloves, call that little runt, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and say, 'Put the Hostages on a plane to Germany Immediately or You Will be A Smoking Hole in The Sand!’
tnmccoy writes:
Friday, June, 08, 2007 12:54 PM
Or Else?
By the way, to paraphrase a past President with a problem in North Africa: "the American Hostages or Ahmadinejad!? And if we back it up, our message would be loud and clear.
tnmccoy's message isn't too clear. It's actually incomprehensible.
SNAFU writes:
Friday, June, 08, 2007 3:52 PM
Appropriate response to Iran
Fred, get elected and treat Iran as the scoundrels they are. Conduct unrestricted warfare: carpet bomb Iran until its government is utterly destroyed and unable to resist. And then take their oil as reparations.
Right, that "carpet bombing " would only destroy the Iranian gov't. And if I'm not mistaken, those who cause damages would be the ones paying the "reparations," not those who were carpet bombed.
SNAFU writes:
Friday, June, 08, 2007 4:31 PM
Fred's strategy
His strategy is brilliant. While the professional politico-piggies are slopping each other with mud, he stays above the fray. Let them spend their money and political capital while Fred hones his campaign machine in preparation for the big contest: defeating whoever the democrats nominate.
Absolutely brilliant. One little quibble, though: Fat Boy has to get nominated himself before he can defeat the Democratic nominee.
forrest sez: Fred looks vibrant and virile, and I'm sure you would agree that he could take all the other repub and dem male candidates in one on one hand to hand combat. I would go so far as to say he could take Paul and Huckabee at the same time.
Yep, it's all about grade school macho w/ the Republicans. And Viagra, I guess. "Vibrant & virile." Ooooh. You really can't tell by the noms de web these clowns use, but there may be quite a few homophobic closet cases here.
SNAFU writes:
Friday, June, 08, 2007 5:29 PM
War Czar & Troop Surge
Vietnam disabused me of the nation-building notion. I don't care about trying to build a nation that will some time in the future turn on us. A better idea, IMHO, is to wage unrestricted warfare against Iraq, Afghanistan and anyone else who presents a threat into utter submission. Carpet bomb them (forward) into the Stone Age. Destroy their government and their infrastructure and then confiscate their oil as reparations. In combat, my job was to bring my men home alive and in one piece, nothing more, nothing less. And, if necessary, I prefer 10,000 Iraqi men, women and children dead in their hovels than to see even one American soldier, sailor, airman or marine so much as scratched. So I nominate me for War Czar. It's a job that would soon be unnecessary to fill. No war, no czar.
Our friend SNAFU expands his thoughts on humanity (& oil). Nation building in 'Nam? They'll all turn on us eventually, let's just kill them all right now. "In combat, my job was to bring my men home alive and in one piece, nothing more, nothing less." You weren't supposed to accomplish any missions or achieve any objectives? Or win the effin' war, single-handedly? If your only job was to bring the boys home, were you the Captain of Cut & Run? The Sergeant of Surrender? The Lieutenant of Leaving?
Dark_Wizard writes:
Friday, June, 08, 2007 6:01 PM
Thanks but I couldn't get elected, I don't have a single skeleton in my closet and if you don't mind the stench of decomposing bodies, your more then welcome to look.
Nobody beats the (Dark) Wiz. I think this may be an attempt at what passes for humor among the nuke 'em crowd. Does he think you do need a skeleton in your closet to be elected?
And we'll close this poorly laid out mess with that last one from Dark Gizzard. If he didn't have a wife would he be a homo? Or what? Apparently Freddie the Pig (and absolutely no offense intended to the fictional Freddie the Pig) dumped Wife Mark I about the time he "went Hollywood," & remained single & catting around until he latched on to Wife Mark II a few years ago. So for 17 yrs. he wasn't married. Are you worried now? (And come to think of it, maybe Wife Mark II latched on to him. Might be one of those Reagan deals: Ronnie didn't really want to be president, but Nancy ["Mommie"] wanted to be queen, so...)
Dark_Wizard writes:
Friday, June, 08, 2007 9:21 PM
Fred Thompson
"Trophy Wife" I'm glad Fred has a wife cause I would be worried if he didn't have a wife.
Pardon the crappy layout on this one. I've yet to master the blockquote function, mainly because it doesn't work in any sensible, intuitive way. WordPress or Typepad, here I come!!!!
UPDATE (25 November 2007 @ 1759 PDT): Having picked up a smidgen of HTML in the ensuing months, your editor has managed to get all the indentations correct.
Gunny sez, "Their religious leaders have complete control of their minds". Well, a recent poll that I saw indicates that 43% of Americans consider themselves "born again" or "evangelical". Baaaaaaa! Baaaaaa!
Why do you torture yourself with this crap, Bouff? These stupid fuckers are like the shitheads I tried to teach logic to when I was a graduate T.A. I avoid 'em every chance I get.....
Our Editor replies:
Well, it just makes me feel better about myself, y'know, at least I'm intelligent, knowledgeable, rational, logical, literate, modest(!), etc. And it's not like I have to deal w/ them face to face, as you did.
Not that I deal w/ anyone face to face any more, actually.
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