From Femmes Fatales.

From the L. A. Times' Image. (Section P.) Some of you may remember these dames. (Some of you may have "known" some of these dames, if you know what I mean.)
Where are they now? Belinda? Too well off to be seen w/ poor people.
Where are they now? Belinda? Too well off to be seen w/ poor people.
Hellin? I dunno.
Pleasant? I dunno either (belly dancing, maybe) but if she was 17 then, she's 47 now! (And she attended high school w/ Todd Homer!)
And Ms. Bag is rumoured to have a real job, & is keeping up w/ kids today & their weird crap by means of Bop over there & see what 30 yrs. of local action have done to some of us. One may also visit punk turns 30, conveniently located on Just Another Blog's sidebar (to the right somewhere). That's where I first found the Bag site, & links to other such wallows in la nostalgie.
Hey, Bouff, I was just reading Alice Bag's Blog when I saw a photo of Le Chateau Cenonceau in the Loire Valley, which makes the second time I've seen it this week. The first time was an episode of Combat where Lt. Hanley is held there as a POW and he escapes by dropping out of a window and into the river and swimming downstream. Now, the shots of the chateau were long ones, and Hanley was pretty indistinct, so I think it was second-unit work. But Combat did indeed do some location work in France. I've often wondered about that.
Our Editor Replies:
I thought Combat! was all "endless location shooting in Fullerton and on Mulholland Dr." (As if an extra-obscure Firesign Theater quote actually bears on the situation. Perhaps the phrase itself was being quoted, but had nothing to do w/ Combat!)
And I don't think I've ever seen Mulholland Dr. (or even Griffith Pk.) in a Combat! episode.
THANK YOU for linking to me! Thanks for circulating that photo of my "It Girl"-friends...
The Editor Replies:
Well, thank you for making it available. Hope you get some action through the link, although few of our few readers have two nickels to rub together.
P. S.: Just out of curiosity, if you check back to read this, who is Rosemarie Patronette? Would Just Another Blog™ have known her under one of those fabulous punk pseudonyms? And what a contrast between the "It Girls" of (gasp!) 30 yrs. ago & today's "It Girls" of no intellect, accomplishment or anything else interesting or meaningful.
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