On the right, two future Assistant Managers (the taller one will get days, the shorter evenings) of the NAPA auto parts store in Bumfuck, Utah, model the short-sleeved "dress" shirt & tie look they'll be sporting in their lives to come. Only thing missing? The official NAPA pocket protector, w/ a tire pressure gauge & a few cheap pens in it. How nice of the Mormons to see to it that their "missionaries" know how to dress for success.
Regular reader(s?) of Just Another Blog know there is no quarter given to religion here, & that we're especially fond of beating The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints™ soundly about its Temple Garments because it is such an obvious con job. And just as Mormon doctrine changes w/ the wind, so does Willard "Mittens" Romney change his stance on, well, just about anything political. And now he's waffling & flip-flopping on his very religion. If it's an eternal truth, why does it change so often? Is your "Holy Father" unable to keep the same thought in his cosmic mind for more than a few yrs. at a time? Is he as big a hypocrite as his flock? DO YOU FUCKING MORMON LOSERS HAVE ANY RESPECT FOR YOURSELVES, OR TRUTH, OR ANYTHING EXCEPT THE WRETCHED OLD WHITE MEN WHO RUN YOUR LIVES FOR YOU THROUGH THE COUNCIL OF TWELVE APOSTLES OR WHATEVER THE FUCK YOUR RULING BODY CALLS ITSELF?
P. S. How many vicious, mean & cruel statements (all of them true, however) do we have to make about all your pathetic fairy tales, myths, and outright lies before some thin-skinned religious loser notices & makes Just Another Blog
And thanks to The Daily Dish for reading The NYTimes in the first place. I've got too much to do to look for original sources.
1 comment:
Hey, don't you go beating up on Scientology, I took your advice and talked to one of their nice representatives on Hollywood Blvd., they cured me of my dependence on psychiatry (psychiatry kills!) and am off all my meds. I am now thinking clearer than ever before, and am now going to look for my wife Amy and my son Tommy that a certain person told me all about. Boy, was she smart not to have any truck with those psychiatrists.
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