"I was born in the concentration camp in Latvia. We were there with my mother. I recollect only fascist boots and mouth-organ sound since then. When we were released in 1945, I was three. June 22 for me is the Day of Memory and Sorrow and difficult recollections of my childhood," Antonina Gureyeva, former under-aged prisoner of a fascist concentration camp, said.
The gathered laid wreaths of live flowers to the monument and paid tribute to those killed in the Great Patriotic War with a minute's silence. After that everyone could approach the Pantheon of Glory and lay flowers.
Beneath: Veterans of the Great Patriotic War at the Krasnoyarsk Victory Memorial. ©2007 NEWSLAB
Top: Hitler Youth chuck rocks at Soviet tanks, Berlin, April 1945, as the Great Patriotic War comes to its historically inevitable end, which now appears to have been a ruse or scam of some sort.
66 yrs. ago, 20 million of our socialist sisters & brothers dead, and now it looks like the fascists won despite the sacrifice, & (apparent) victory.
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