In case there was
any question.

Just Another Blog™ uses AT&T/Yahoo! DSL, and some Yahoo! e-mail. Haven't checked it since Sunday. Wonder what I''ll find.

And how about the several wks. in March when Yahoo! TV BETA didn't work? Good thing Semel left, I would have had to KICK HIS ASS!
I also have ATT/Yahoo/SBC/Whatever DSL and it sucks mightily. So does the tiny crappy modem the give you.
I never thought I'd say this, but Verizon DSL, where I lived before, was better.
Our Editor replies:
The DSL works pretty well, we assume, having had dial-up previously. Frankly, Just Another Blog™ wouldn't know if the computer, the modem, ATT/Yahoo!/SBC/Whatever DSL or the intertubes itself were the cause of whatever troubles we have. One does hear that cable is faster than DSL, depending on how many of one's neighbors have it & are using it at any given time. That tiny modem is cute, though. (And it's not as if any other of these huge corporate entities do any better. See fits of rage above.) Really, it's the human incompetence & stupidity that gets to us. Electronic & mechanical equipment will malfunction occasionally, but someone should notice & respond to the problem. Besides the item linked to, where Yahoo! changed their e-mail controls in an especially stupid way, they changed their TV listings sometime late last yr., and not to good effect, as there were about 6,000 complaints on their TV message board. Our problem was that the grid w/ the listings wouldn't appear. FOR TWO WEEKS!!! Words fail here. The L. A. Times wouldn't just stop publishing for two weeks (OK, not a bad idea, but...)
just because their printing plant(s) burned down, there would be plans for using other facilities, etc., but the arrogant 20- & 30-nothings who run these outfits seem incapable of planning their way out of a paper bag, let alone considering that one of their schemes might not work & they'd have to return to the old system while de-bugging their hot new thing. AAAAGGHH!!!
Our Editor thanks you for allowing us another chance to vent rage at all of humanity. Bastards!
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