Friday, January 16, 2009

More Songs About Union People

The fact that working people who belong to unions (still little or no mention of the builders & ground crews) may have saved lives (all the lives) is disturbing to those who see little worth to AmeriKKKa beyond it's ability to murder from the air on a massive scale.
How is the right to be dealt w/ ? No one has said the pilot didn't do an incredible job. No admission that the rescuers performed excellently will diminish Air Force flight training, or all that Cap't. Sullenberger did. It's not an either/or situation. Plenty of credit to share. But to these die-hards, there's no middle ground, nothing but "Our Real America is a great nation, you libruls are tearing down the military & free enterprise if you don't give all credit to those great institutions."  
emptywheel mentions the union affiliation of rescue workers, & some witch is all over it & makes a political mess out of it. Everything is political, but you needn't politicize everything. Isn't that, like, fascist, or communist, or something-ist that's bad?
The comments, ClownHall & everywhere, are always most telling of what the blogger really wants to say, & of what deep thoughts the great mass of un-washed trailer trash are inspired to by such typing. Read 'em & weep.
A tip of the Boufffant chapeau to World O' Crap for bringing this crap to our attention. 

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