Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Day Three Of The End

Join us as America stops lying about itself & admits it's a fascist shithole, has always been a fascist shithole, & will remain a fascist shithole but may be more honest about the entire sordid mess.

Chola Sandwich?

Oh, that kind of chola, not this kind.
This reporter's mind went elsewhere.

Also, do not confuse w/ the Chola Dynasty.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Two+ Hrs. In The Phantom Zone

Spent two+ hrs. walking in sunlight, still do not feel any better about this shithole of endlessly mind-numbing stupidity & sheer dullness. Only things on which it was (barely) worth exercising my trigger finger were the DEAD END sign below & this monstrosity, which, I'm sure, has a story behind it & who fucking cares?
If this reporter had anything resembling a human soul he's sure it would have been crushed by the sheer inanity of everything as well.


"Life is a joke, & you are the punchline."

Freedom Wk.!

Image at high resolution.
Don't believe the hype!