Sunday, July 21, 2024

Today's Real Estate Report:
Invasion, Murder & Gentrification

Israel’s latest airstrikes in Gaza kill at least 15 including children
Ukrainian civilians wounded in Russian drone and shelling attacks as Russia claims gains in the east


Al said...

I am watching the collapse of the US/NATO/Israeli axis of evil with malicious intent.

M. Bouffant said...

Seriously? Editor:
If you, for some inane reason, think Trump's pal Putin isn't a sack of Nazi shit & a fascist aggressor just like the Israelis you should check some of your assumptions.

Al said...

Wait a minute! My assumption was that you wanted everybody dead, including me. We may differ in our opinion of the Russians but I think we have more in common that you think. I really love reggae music but I'm a functionally obsolete old man who lives on a fixed income in a house that the bank owns. I don't own a car or a TV. I get around in the the city where I live on the bus and a bicycle. I wake up every day in a racist, fascist militarized police state of lies, delusion and eternal war. This is America.