Saturday, July 27, 2024

No Humans Involved

NEWS FLASH: Before Marx & Lenin, there were Marxists & Bolsheviks! For hundreds of yrs.!! Were there (((any other names))) for these horrid enemies of civilization? I mean, how dare they overthrow Gawd's chosen ruler, Louis XVI?
Do read Corn's piece. These people are deranged & deluded paranoids, apparently w/ every possible psychological malady.
In fact, they compare the BLM protests of 2020 to the terror of the French Revolution, noting, “There is no way to reason with those who manipulate the have-nots en masse to loot and to shoot. They simply hate those who are good-looking and successful.” (Yes, they wrote that.)
That Sen. Vance certainly picks books to endorse; see post directly below. As is said, none more zealous than converts.
David Corn / Mother Jones:
J.D. Vance Endorsed Book That Calls Progressives “Unhumans” and Praises Jan. 6 Rioters  —  The GOP veep candidate embraced the extreme view that today's left is part of a centuries-long effort to “destroy” civilization.  —  During his acceptance speech at the Republican convention last week, Sen. J.D. Vance, the GOP vice presidential candidate, praised Donald Trump’s call for “unity.” But this year, Vance endorsed a new book co-written by a far-right conspiracy-monger that calls progressives “unhumans” and claims they are waging an “Irregular Communist Revolution” against American civilization. 

The book, Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How to Crush Them), was written by Jack Posobiec and Joshua Lisec. Posobiec is a well-known alt-right agitator and conservative media personality who promoted the bonkers Pizzagate conspiracy theory. Lisec is a professional ghostwriter. And their book professes to be a history of communist and leftist revolutionary abuses over the decades—but with a twist. They claim, “For as long as there have been beauty and truth, love and life, there have also been the ugly liars who hate and kill.” And these “people of anti-civilization” have always gone by different names: communists, socialists, leftists, and progressives. The pair contend these folks—be they the Bolsheviks of Russia or the BLM activists of this decade—are better called “unhumans.”
In conclusion, it's perfectly alright (if not necessary & expected) to crush liberals like the cockroaches they are.

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