Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A More Accurate Public Service Announcement

Mental Health Is A Crock

No one cares. No one "sees" you. No one hears you. Certainly no one ever listens to you. No one will help, because there is no "help" in a world made by & for absolute pigs. Anyone who functions in this world of shit, pain & existential agony is a sociopathic maniac & quite likely a vicious murdering criminal. Indeed, if you're employed there is blood on your hands. You're a cog in the murder machine, no more, no less. Yet you lie to yourselves about it (Not good for your "mental health".) & show up to work every day. You're all crazy.

But hey, keep pretending everything's wonderful & someone cares enough about you to help, probably by shoving chemicals in your system & asking you if you're ready to return to being a productive consumer.

And if mental health is so damned important it's shoved down our throats 24 hrs. a fucking day in bullshit public service announcements, why can't I kill the truly sick fucks who are driving me crazy & making this world even less sane? Is that fair, right or just? No, & it's driving me out of my mind!!

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