Thursday, July 18, 2024

"Whipped" Is Half A Word

A bit surprised the usual suspects aren't wallowing in woman-hatin' w/ the racism. (Racism extra funny/stupid because South Asian people are just as Aryan/Caucasian as any pale, horse-faced loser from Norway.) Their tune may change once they see who wears the pants in the "Vance" household:
Vance can’t be that extreme, after all—look at the diverse and highly educated woman he married. (He wore a bindi and a South Asian outfit for their 2014 wedding ceremony, which was officiated by a Hindu priest; during a speech Usha made Wednesday night at the Republican National Convention, she noted that the “meat and potatoes kind of guy” had adapted to her vegetarian diet and learned to cook Indian food for her mother.)
Jesus, what a woke panty-waist. (From behind the Daily Beast's fucking paywall, which doesn't stop even when the ad blocker is disabled so fuck you assholes, no link to your bullshit!) Although Mme. "Vance" seems to be a budding young fascist who saw which side her bread is buttered on.
Think JD will have the guts to deport her parents? No divorce, that's for sure.

1 comment:

Al said...

All the racist, fascist neo cons and shit libs are now wokely wokeing their woke wokeness.