Thursday, July 4, 2024

Thanks For The Heads-Up,
You Lying Crooks!!

Jesus, what fucking bullshit:
Part of that is because I need a break, and so does every person on our staff. As Red Painter says, we need to just chill.
Well, this reporter didn't get any gawddamn break. I suppose because they get away w/o paying me they don't think I'm on "our staff", & may therefore be treated like shit &/or simply ignored.

I composed a Mike's Blog Round-Up yesterday for publication at Crooks and Liars (Talk about projection.) today, but I guess it was a complete waste of time & effort. Imagine if your Nazi boss (redundant, I know) decided to close your workplace for the day but didn't bother letting you know & you woke up, got dressed & dragged yourself to work, only to find it closed for the day. Wouldn't be funny for April Fools Day, let alone now, yet it is precisely what happened to me. (If I'd let myself in & worked all day for nothing besides.) Would it have fucking killed you assholes to have had the slightest bit of human consideration & let me know? All it takes is a fucking e-mail, jerkwads. I do this fucking bullshit for them for free, & this is the consideration I get. None at all. Don't do anybody any favors, & never trust anyone!

Now I don't know whether to arse myself w/ one today for tomorrow or what. The one that's sitting there unpublished was composed specifically for today, Independence Day, so it'll look pretty effing stupid running tomorrow, but that won't be my fault, will it? Whole thing's a fucking waste of time & energy. (WHAT ISN'T, DAMNIT???) Viewer/reader clicks are literally down about 90% this yr. Everything is a fucking joke. Then again, what the fuck do I care about Crooks and Liars? We see their level of concern for me.

Only good thing is that I only got around to this look-what-I-posted-item today, so I didn't embarrass myself w/ an assumption about anything.

In case it's never seen again.
Today is Loser's Day. How's that election going, Limeys?

A Feminist Changes a Lightbulb waxes patriotic.

Longish read involving legal concepts from Lawfare.

Rude Pundit.

Annie asks we not give up hope.

Nothing to see here but some hypotheticals, to quote the Court, so let's move on. Joe. My. God.

And the Limey musical accompaniment:Final note: Is this the trigger? Not one of you pieces of shit out there have seen me when I am truly angry. Maybe that's why the eight billion cretinous sub-human retarded moron cockroaches who are turning this planet into a shithole think they can run rough-shod over me.

And now, adding insult to injury, I was forced to waste another couple of hrs. of my not-getting-any-damn-longer existence typing this fucking screed. Triggering indeed: If I had a weapon & enough damn ammo I'd go out tonight & murder as many fucking Americans at fireworks shows as I could. Still time to steal a car & make the streets run red w/ the blood of pigs, I guess. Two words: Taxi Driver.

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