Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Why I Hate

One of Andrew Sullivan's readers weighs in:
Obama did the heavy lifting on the liberal agenda as much as can be done, and frankly I don’t want the Democrats to go all Elizabeth Warren off the deep end, with post office banks and $15 minimum wages. All I want is someone to put liberals on the Supreme Court and wait for the Republicans’ own bile to wear them down to nothing.
"Off the deep end?"

Look both ways, mugwump. People in the middle of the road become one w/ the asphalt quickly.

1 comment:

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

All I want is someone to put liberals on the Supreme Court and wait for the Republicans’ own bile to wear them down to nothing.

For fuck's sake.

Obama saved the Republican goose with his incessant Wall Street whoring. And by getting rid of Howard Dean's 50 State Strategy in favor of Rahm Emanuel's "support right-wing asshole Dems only" strategy. (Said strategy currently being run by Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Steve Israel. It guarantees that no matter HOW STUPID the goopers get between now and November, the Dems can't win...they're not contesting enough seats.)