Monday, April 28, 2014

Oh Look, We're Right Again!
[Now Up-Dated W/ Longer Video!]

No sooner do we mention national joke Donald Trump in relation to alleged billionaire racist & confirmed creep (Other than Trump not being anywhere near a billionaire, the two Donalds are remarkably similar, aren't they?) then Trump arrives & gives the rich guy's view of life on FOX & Friends, as reported by POLITICO, which was about one rung on the ladder of shit above said girlfriend until she started afflicting rather than comforting the comfortable parasite class. Right on, sister V. Stiviano!
“He got set up by a very, very bad girlfriend, let’s face it,” Trump said on Fox News’s “Fox & Friends” of Clippers owner Donald Sterling.
Then the affluenza defense, wealthy eccentric-style:
Trump also questioned the mental state of Sterling and how he could be led on by someone “so obviously looking to do harm to him,” saying “he seems close to incompetent.”

“I think he could be out of it, frankly, based on his actions,” Trump said. “He could be pretty much out of it in terms of his whole mentality.”
Takes one to know one dunnit, birther bozo?

Also sporty: Something's gonna give in the televised sports industry.
[Shorter version of video replaced 1 May 2014.]

1 comment:

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...
