Monday, April 14, 2014

Bang/Whimper Report & Up-Date

Guys! Bonus! Orbs! Guys!Guys, awoke at 1300, figured I'd be still be awake (as much as I ever am) for the astronomical event. But "the wee hours of Tuesday morning" is more damn East Coast centricity (someone typing about astronomy should know the world does not revolve around you people back there*); the bloody action commences around 2300 on the Coast, peaking at 0045 tomorrow, assuming the lame mainstream media & gov't. agency NASA [were it not such an imposition, there'd be ominous music here] aren't lying through their teeth about it, guys.

Enforced positivity, guys: Clear evening forecast. (Hey, what the hell are they "casting?" Runes? Entrails?)

*"Back there." Heh indeed.


Weird Dave said...

Worth $1000.00 a pound. Hope I find some.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

The orbs will not be denied! Did you inform thunder?