Friday, January 3, 2014

Might As Well Give Up Now

Gov't. (Obama) Alien & Canuck Plot: Beat 'em by three days (& a whole yr.) almost!

30 December 2013: Us.

2 January 2014: Them.

Maybe the Wonkies wasted those almost-three days stringing together words to explain (w/ sarcasm) what an idiot this idiot is. Overkill, really. All we do is provide a forum where ninnies may self-convict.

But why be picky? Victory is sweet, whether or not the vanquished has any idea she's racing you.


Weird Dave said...

I, for one, welcome our new Canadian overlords.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Anyone gotta good recipe for poutine?

M. Bouffant said...

Nausea Editor:
Tried this, but something distracted me & I over boiled the cheese curds. And the gravy sucked, as indicated.

On the other hand I sampled the Chicken Parmesan Lollipops mentioned in that review & thought they were great, but US$4.99 for 8 oz. was ridiculous.