Friday, January 17, 2014

Fuck It, Then

I was going to post something but it looks as if Chrome has changed, removing the navbar from Bugger in the process so I won't be able to click "New Post" any more. Not that I fucking care, & why should I if Google doesn't?

Asshole morons.


mikey said...

I THOUGHT I noticed that. But I figured it was just one of my crappy old computers. But sure enough, gone in Chrome, still there in FFox.

Gotta love these guys & their sense of humor...

M. Bouffant said...

Jesus Fucking Christ, I Swear to Fucking Gawd Awready Editor:
Also can't access Disqus brand comments. In some cases can't even see them.

Have you also noticed that some time ago you stopped being able to copy or right click to search in HTML mode in Bugger?