Monday, October 11, 2010

HELP! Democracy!!

'Voter Fraud Watch' — Uncle Pajamas* Wants You!

by Roger L Simon

Got a digital camera, flip video camera, Blackberry, or cell phone that shoots video? Put them to use to on election day. In the meantime, leave suggestions in the comments as to how to help eliminate voting fraud this November.
Say, maybe some African-American Tea Partiers could assuage their desires to be on camera by putting on a pair of boots & swinging a stick in front of a polling place somewhere for some of their camera-wielding fellow patriots. Just an idea. Don't forget your beret!

*"Uncle Pajamas?" ++creepy.


Anonymous said...

Will you be attending McArglebargle's talk at the Hammer this Wednesday?

- "g" aka Aunt Snow

M. Bouffant said...

Masochism Editor Announces:

Oh goodness yes! We already made a plea for bus fare last month. Dunno why, it's not as if we want to have our picture taken w/ McM, & we're sure it'll be awful, but leaving the bunker is encouraged.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Commander Bunnypants makes no mention of the "Mighty Texas Strike Force", an imported bunch of yahoos who made their Ohio debut right near my own bunker (not that I lived here back then).

(I coulda sweared I had a picture of the Holiday Inn as well as the GOP headquarters on me blog, but I can't find it.)

M. Bouffant said...

Editor In The Promised Land Asks:

What's up beyond the Rockies & the plains? Industrial pollution? Between the Nazi outfits & gropery, not to mention Traficante, we're starting to worry.

Be careful out there. Stick to bottled water, maybe.